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Old June 5th, 2014, 08:35 PM   #26
cadd cadd cadd
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Name: Cadd
Location: 41°21'13.1"N, 74°41'37.4"W
Join Date: Jan 2014

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MOTM - May '15
I'm sorry I'm digging up an old thread. I took the BRC2 last weekend. Although it was fun, it wasn't worth the $125 for me (in my opinion). Just like the OP, I didn't feel like I advanced much. I took the BRC 10 years ago, and the BRC2 was almost identical to the BRC (minus power walking the bike, walking the bike with clutch control, etc). It was a good "reminder" of the skills that I should have. It was also a good refresher and allowed me to practice in a controlled environment under a knowledgeable and watchful rider coach.

Also, like the OP, the group I was in wasn't experienced. We had two dropped bikes. (Videos of the two bikes that met the pavement here).

For those who took the ARC (or to the Rider Coaches here), can you tell me what the riding exercises are? The ARC is $150 for me. If it's similar to the BRC2, I think I will skip it and try to find a newbie track day class instead. If you took the ARC, do you recommend it?
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