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Old June 11th, 2014, 08:06 PM   #22
Aggrotech sage
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Name: Justin
Location: Fresno CA
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Originally Posted by supersport View Post
The fact is, cars will occasionally just come out of nowhere. You can't stop that no matter what. There is a million more cars per one motorcycle. What are the chances of everyone of them driving spectacular and know the perspective of a motorcyclist?

You can either think they all need to conform the the motorcyclist. And if you do, how can all cars conform to the motorcyclist mentally? Or you can understand and accept that cars at 1.5 ton -3 tons will squash you like a fly on impact. So ride accordingly.

I'm not giving them a high 5, but am i really going to expect every car to see me? Or even better, drive perfectly in this perfect world we live in. Are you going to stop every bad driver for bull dropping and give them a good spanking? Your day will never end. Too many cars on the road and a lot of thm are just sleeping through life. And the ones that rant sleeping just suck at driving.

Yes they will continue to drive their cars like that all day but when and if they do hit someone they won't see red like us. So why is this idiot playing chicken with them?

Expecting cars to cater to us is a ridiculous nonsense that will never happen in my lifetime.

The guy in the vid is a entitle idiot that think everyone should see him. You're on a freaking motorcycle "cars won't ever see you". Heck, even cars don't see other cars all the time and that is why accidents happen. Do you really want to fight with the 2ton metal with your 180lb flesh and 430lb scap metal?
I would bet money the huge majority of every car in the 2 videos would act the same way if that rider was in a car lol. I'm not saying cars need to cater to us as motorcycles...what im saying is the stupid ****s inside them need to pay attention to their surroundings and the road in general. The second video is a flawless example...that person didnt even try to stop, they were far more worried about leaving the parking lot asap and who gives a **** whose already on the road (who by the way have the right away.) but she didnt see anyone so she doesnt have to stop for that stopsign. amirite

Doing nothing gives them a pass. If im on my phone and i do something stupid but im too pre occupied with my phone and nobody around me tries to stop/flag me down..guess what? Im going to continue to give 0 ****s about everything around me. you've said it yourself..theyre in a 1/3ton car...alllll more the reason to do something rather than chalk it up as "another dumb driver"

but ive seen someone burn to death right in front of me simply because some asshole thought his phone was more important and decided not to wtf do i know.
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