Thread: 1000 mile trip
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Old June 12th, 2014, 07:58 AM   #33
Worldtraveller sage
Name: Lane
Location: Medford, OR
Join Date: May 2014

Motorcycle(s): Ninja 250 (trackbike), CBR600RR, GS500F

Posts: 588
Originally Posted by NevadaWolf View Post
Oh and the biggest bit of advice...

When you get tired, genuinely tired, when breaks, or soda, or music isn't helping: STOP!

Each ride is different, each day is different. There is no reason to put yourself or those around you at risk. Riding while exhausted isn't worth it. Get off the bike, take a nap, or get some sleep, and finish the ride later.

In the end, that is the most important thing about any ride, making it to your driveway in the same condition you left in.
This. I've slept on my old CB350, laying on the seat, feet up over the handlebars. Didn't take much, maybe 30-40 minutes with my eyes closed and about 75% asleep (I was still aware of noises around and such) and I was good to go. Power napping does wonders for one's alertness level if you can actually manage it.

And some kind of throttle rocker device (I'm not a fan of actual throttle locks, but on long straight roads with little traffic, they are ok.). Just be sure if you get one that locks, that you are absolutely sure you know how to easily and quickly disengage it. Practice in the parking lot before you even get going.
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