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Old June 25th, 2014, 11:20 AM   #19
kennetht member
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Originally Posted by csmith12 View Post
Sure you can, but ask yourself if you should? If you're coming up on a red light going 45mph in first gear with the clutch pulled in and it turns green... now you have to fiddle with getting yourself back in a more appropriate gear to continue along your way, not to mention the impatient cagers behind you.

For me, being in a gear that matches my speed is more than just a technique, it's a safety issue, it's a control issue, eliminates a lot of guesswork, generally makes riding less "rushed" & "busy" and the flow is more enjoyable.

I will leave ya with 2 questions;
What would happen if your going 45mph in 1st and dump the clutch (hand slip off or whatever)?
Why do they say, "when in doubt, upshift"?
very true, i see your point. well thats one thing i have been doing incorrectly from a safety standpoint. i usually always downshift straight to first when i know i am going to be coming to a stop. im going to have to work on changing that habit.
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