Thread: Fitness!
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Old June 26th, 2014, 02:41 AM   #117
corksil certified postwhore
Name: TC
Location: Hawaii
Join Date: Sep 2013

Motorcycle(s): A lot.

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Originally Posted by cbinker View Post
here is todays workout:
4 minute plank
10 min every minute on the minute
2 squat cleans then 2 front squats 145#(60% max clean)
100 Double Unders
25 overhead squats @95#
25 Pull Ups
run 200
for time: 6:58
Nice! I put in a hard weight workout today as well.. situps pushups pullups compund lifts dips rows... all that good stuff.

Here's to living life with god-mode cheat codes enabled!

Originally Posted by choneofakind View Post
I can't see your dashboard because I don't have an account there.

But the GPS thing. There's some debate there. The iPhone actually has a legitimate GPS unit in it, it does not just rely upone wifi and triangulation. The real magic comes in the data filtering after you submit a ride to Strava or MapMyRide. Know how it usually takes a few minutes until the numbers stop changing? that's how long it takes to run through their servers and their software and smooth out the data. Filtering programs are pretty cool, and depending on what's allowed to pass and be considered 'good' data, your numbers change in accuracy. So I'd be more interested in their filters than the GPS unit itself.
I'll add that I was never really into running. It was just something I did, until one day some one asked me how far I went and I realized that I had no clue.

It was a long day, so I looked it up on google maps and amazed myself by learning that I ran almost 15 miles... Never occurred to me to check the distance before, but when I did... wow. That was motivating.

I should turn on the pedometer in my phone and see how that data compares to the satellite imagery.

Originally Posted by kfilla View Post
Last time I checked my broad jump was 11' 4" does that make me an ape too??? I could hang around eating bananas all day.
Bro, as long as you stay in shape, you can hang around eating whatever you want all day and no one will judge you and you will continue to feel indestructible. Keep up the good work!

Originally Posted by NDspd View Post
I just got blown out the water today when I tried on Chamois cream and clipless pedals. I can not believe how much more efficient each "stroke" is and how precise everything feels.

As for the Chamois cream, I'm trying out "DZ Nuts", I won't go into details, but my god does it work!
It puts the lotion on it's skin....

Originally Posted by choneofakind View Post
Chamois cream. lol. I don't use any of that. I've never had soreness issues like that. I just wear my bibs and jersey, no cream.
...or it gets the hose again.

Good work everyone! Here's to a long run tomorrow!
Just batshit crazy. All his posts are endless diatribes. Some are actually entertaining but mostly batshit crazy.
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