Thread: Fitness!
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Old July 4th, 2014, 09:24 PM   #145
corksil certified postwhore
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Join Date: Sep 2013

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Originally Posted by cbinker View Post
Back on topic my week was brutal starting with Monday:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
20 Minutes AMRAP
19 rounds(95 pull ups, 190 push ups, 285 Squats)

1 Power Snatch, 1 Hang Power Snatch, 2 Over Head Squats EMOM 8 minutes 105#
Think of the 12 days of Christmas song for this one:
1. Hanging Toes to Bar
2. V-ups
3. Med Ball Pike
4. Hanging "L" Leg raises
5. Butterfly Situps
6. 60 second plank
7. Ab rotator(2=1)
8. Bar Roll out (similar to ab wheel)
9. GHD Sit-Ups
10. Floor Wipers 65# Bar
11. Flutter Kicks (4=1)
12. Over Head Squat 65#

Max Double Unders in 2 minutes - 120
1 Rep max on Jerk 210#
With 20# med ball:
25 Wall Balls to 10 foot line
run 400m w/med ball
25 Wall Balls

Turkish Get-Up Sit-Up 15 each side 35# kettlebell
1 Rep Max Over Head Squat - 175#
Burpee Pullup
Box Jump

Tomorrow at open gym I am going to attempt 225# Jerk again, I just missed it last time.
Brutal! You are a beast! So did you clean the 225# lift yet? Let's use this thread to keep eachother accountable.

Lifting heavy again tomorrow, bright and early.

I'll bet I could get better workouts in if I got a gym membership.. I've been considering it.. it's just a PITA when ppl try to talk to you and you're in the zone and you've got the music blaring and you're 100% focused and some skinny kid comes up and says something about incorrect form or some triviality.

Anyways, keep it up, everyone!
Just batshit crazy. All his posts are endless diatribes. Some are actually entertaining but mostly batshit crazy.
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