Thread: Pulled over!!!
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Old July 7th, 2014, 08:40 PM   #1
Fresh Deli Meat
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Name: Kevin
Location: Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Join Date: Feb 2014

Motorcycle(s): 2009 250R Ninja -Neener-

Posts: 678
Pulled over!!!

That's right! LEO pulled me over! Wait till you here why. TLDR at the bottom.

It's 4th of July, just before Midnight. I spent all day with friends and family about 45 minutes from home. The morning ride up was beautiful and traffic was thin, considering. Fireworks, barbeque, badminton, and bocce ball. SWMBO came to join the party later in the day. I was headed out early and, being pregnant, she wanted a little bit more sleep. No big deal. I'll take the bike. All in all, a great day. Now to the good part.

Leaving from the Stepdad's house just before Midnight. Truck needs gas. So, I told the woman I would meet her at the gas station and headed out before she turned the truck around. Follow this path for me. A mile down the road, turn right. Half a mile down and theres a red light with train tracks in the intersection. Cross the tracks, through the intersection and a left turn into the gas station.

As I am coming to the red light, I see a car pull out of a side street behind me. As a defensive rider, knowing that there could be drunk drivers tonight, along with the normal never-look cagers, I do a SMIDSY weave a few feet before the light. Stop right on the line, so the light reads the bike, and patiently wait for the green. The car behind comes to a nice controlled stop with acceptable distance between the two of us.

As I take a peek in my mirror, I notice the light bar going across the top of the car. Thats right. It's a cop. No big deal though. I proceed through the intersection when the light turns green, flip my left turn signal, and even use a hand signal to make sure this cop (who followed me through) knows I'm turning. Just as I start the turn, he flips on the freedom lights! Well what the hell?!

Ok, stay calm. I've never been stopped on the bike before. Just take it easy. I pull over, right outside the gas station parking lot. Kickstand down, bike off, drop keys on the ground to my left. Took my helmet off and set it on the tank. Stay on the bike.

The cop comes walking over, looking mad. I still don't know what I did. "What the hell was that man?!" he said to me, rather aggressively. Admittedly, I was a little nervous at this point. More on that in a bit. I gave him a puzzled look, because I really had no idea what his problem was. I was stopped on the line at the light. I signaled my turn. What did I do?

"Back at the light. I thought you were gonna fall the **** over!" he yelled. Pause. Wait. Hold on a garsh darn minute. Realization hits. I just got pulled over for a SMIDSY weave?! Yeah I did. So, I explained to him. It was a SMIDSY weave. It stands for "Sorry Mate, I Didn't See You." It's just a basic, defensive riding technique, to make sure the cars around me notice I'm there. "Well, I ride a motorcycle and I've never heard of that before. Let me see your license" he says, still displaying an awful amount of aggression.

This is why I was nervous. It's after dark. I have a permit. That's right guys. Confession time. I'm was riding illegally

So I hand him my regular license, and my class M permit. He gives me a look (you know the kind) and says "Stay right here"

Then he drives away! Confused? I was too. Another cop had pulled up to take over. This one happened to be behind my girl in the truck (who was not happy to drive past and see me on the side of the road with freedom lights less than 2 miles out).

He comes over, "How we doing tonight buddy", leaning in close to see if I've been drinking.

"To be honest, a little nervous. Never been pulled over on the bike before" I replied.

He looks at my permit for a second. "Little late for you to be out with just this, isn't it?" waving the paper for emphasis.

"Yeah. I got caught up at my stepdad's house celebrating. I'm headed home now. Just had to stop for gas."

He looks at me and leans real close, "Had anything to drink tonight?"

"No sir. I don't touch this bike if I've been drinking"

"Well, the other officer had to leave. What did he pull you over for?"

At this point, I explain the SMIDSY weave again. I'm a defensive rider. I do what I can to make sure I'm noticed. That makes sense to me. After I explained what happened, the cop rolls his eyes and says
"Well, it worked. You certainly were noticed." He hands me back my license with a friendly, "Have a nice night and ride safe"


Pulled over for defensive riding. First cop was a dick. Second was cool.
We shall call thee "Seahorse." -Antiant on Couvade Syndrome
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