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Old July 14th, 2014, 03:06 PM   #22
modaholic junkie
Name: Nick
Location: Athens, Greece
Join Date: Sep 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2001 ZX-12R, 2009 ninja 345cc and plenty of others in the past...

Posts: 438
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Nice of you to throw such ideas to consider, helps me a lot to discuss some of the problems I am encountering with you for the joke of the month: gasoline in Greece...
some say it is some kind of petrol origin fluid but nothing to do with gasoline... it's some chemical composition noone really knows about like some magic secret kept in the vaults of what we call gas stations... it appears to be partly unleaded gasoline (about 90%) and the other 10% can be some (or even all) of the substances below in unknown proportions:
petrol - diesel engine fuel that is...
petrol we use for heating appliances
water !!! or...
special (hahahaha)additives that have nothing to do with improving engine's performance, durability or anything else useful as a sense... and now for the good part...
mud, oh yes MUD, sand, tiny bits of stone ,concrete, glass or plastic and so on...
all we know it's called "the juice"...
you see there is no stock fuel pump of any bike or car that lasts more than 2 years (that is IF you are lucky of course or buy from certain rare stations that are merely less dirty than the rest... sad story... so you see it is a very fortunate case if anyone should find their fuel pump to be as close as 10% less than what the manual says after 6 months of use...
18mL/3 sec... Oh God what a joke !! maybe before we fill the tank with gas...

I hope you can see my point...I know it is hilarious but also sadly true... so you see there are more ZX10, gixxers, busas, R1s etc with aftermarket fuel pumps than with exhausts or PC Vs... the rest... well you can see them commuting every time they reach 10k rpm...

Ok, MY fuel pump was being checked and cleaned (had a small removable filter in place of stock) every 3 months or so and was ok after 2 years of service at 19mL/3 sec...but there were areas on my PC V map where duty cycle was up to 78% more than stock and that is just a tiny bit away from the limit(and we're talking about the 250cc efi engine, highly modded but not close by any chance to the 345cc I am about to put together...I had to use some bigger yamaha injectors which were ok but increased fuel consumption by 15% without improving performance by more than 1% (don't know how many cc/min but they were at least 300cc/min judging from the negative values on the map, which I had to fix all over again...)
If noone has tried it before, I will !!!
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