Thread: Buyers remorse
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Old August 4th, 2009, 07:15 PM   #15
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Name: michael
Location: HI
Join Date: Jul 2009

Motorcycle(s): '09 Black 250R

Posts: 267
Well I know that the 250r is enough for me (specially since everything is sooo cheap) but my best friend learned on a 02 CBR 600 and now owns a suzuki liter bike and has never been down and rides very well. He was my inspiration for getting into bikes and he def was not the typical squid. He has tried his hand at stunting (in a controlled environment not on a road) and is a great rider. So just for everyones information, there are people that dont kill themselves by starting on a bigger bike. In fact people do it all the time. I dont like the initial reactions I get when people realize I ride a 250, but I dont ride for them now do I??....In short to each their own right

Now the Corvette thing, I would have to disagree. It does everything WAYYYYYYYY better (including going faster) than every other car you mentioned. Non of those cars compare to the vette. In fact, if you are rich enough, the vette is def a great sports car for a driver at any stage in life. (we are talking about track days right??)
A girl walks into a bar and orders a "double entendre"
So the bartender gave it to her
"once you go black, you never go back."
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