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Old July 31st, 2014, 08:58 PM   #19
Brian sage
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Originally Posted by choneofakind View Post
It doesn't matter what the speed limit of the road was. What did we say above? Closing speed, or speed differential, is what's dangerous. Traffic was moving slowly, you have no reason to be moving 45 mph one lane over. 35 mph speed differential is huge and you set yourself up to be cut off badly doing that.

Again, you were moving fast enough relative to him that when he did his shoulder check and found a clear lane, you were no where in sight. In the ~1 second it took him to get to a lane change and make a move, you were on him. Who was in charge of setting their speed here? you. Who should not have been closing on slow traffic that quickly? you. Who put themself in unnecessary danger just because they were running a little close on time? you. Who's in charge of keeping them self safe by knowing what's going on around them while they ride? you.

Seeing a pattern here? If you're in charge, you should take some responsibility and ride smarter. Don't rely on making tons of noise. don't rely on other drivers seeing you eventually. Rely on riding smart. be defensive, not reactive. This video shows a poor reaction and not a shred of caution.
I can't say I'm not agreeing with what you said but it already happened and I agree the outcome could have been worse if it was another situation. There's no need to keep saying the same thing, it will come in time, this is still only my first riding season. It was just my reflex.

What I don't agree with is how you guys say it's absolutely my fault. I get it, "ride like your invisible" sadly there are always idiots who will ruin your day and catch you on edge. It was a combination of
1. him not seeing me
2. my speed
3. my reflex

but guess what? still avoided him.

The blame is all on him because it was his mistake. I know I was going a little faster than I should of, sad to say it, but everyone speeds, it's the most common thing on the road. Just goes to show how you guys like to pick out everything wrong I did with out even pointing out what an idiot he is. This forum amuses me.
The most dangerous risk of all is the risk of spending your life not doing what you want...
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