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Old September 7th, 2014, 10:59 PM   #19
corksil certified postwhore
Name: TC
Location: Hawaii
Join Date: Sep 2013

Motorcycle(s): A lot.

Posts: A lot.
Didn't have a chance to watch the vid yet, but RIP.

From my perspective, riding a bike is a meditation. It's like going to the firing range. It is a very serious activity. That's not to say it's not highly enjoyable, but it's more lethal than anything else.

If your mind is elsewhere, if you're not focused, if you're thinking about something else, if you're tired. Don't Do IT. To me, it's that simple.

If you cannot dedicate 100% focus to controlling the lethal machine that you are holding between your hands, don't pick it up. Anyone can learn the basics of gun/bike safety -- but the bottom line is simple. If you cannot commit to 100% focus of the activity you are partaking in, don't partake in the activity. Some things allow you breathing room, like knitting. Or lawn darts. Or cooking. Some activities are forgiving, and if you mess up, you just get a poor result and it's on to the next thing.

Riding a bike is not one of those activities. YOU control the safety on the firearm, YOU control the machine, YOU decide how you handle it. Hopefully if you're lucky, you'll get one or two mix ups and not suffer the very serious consequences of having a mishap.

I think if people were to apply this same mindset to birth control, we wouldn't be living in an overpopulated world on a planet that is trying to evict us.

Be safe, everyone. Better yet, don't ride if you don't think you will be safe. It's not a contest, and it's not a race. Even if it were, the winner doesn't always get a trophy and a trophy wife. Sometimes the "winner" ends up under the wheels of a bus. I've lost two friends on bikes on the very street I live on.
Just batshit crazy. All his posts are endless diatribes. Some are actually entertaining but mostly batshit crazy.
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