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Old September 11th, 2014, 09:10 AM   #32
agentbad sage
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Originally Posted by akima View Post

Control freakery traffic lights aren't the solution. If they put one up for every road death/accident the roads would be more of a stop-start nightmare than they already are.

There's a greater problem in western society of adults not taking responsibility for themselves and owning their actions. Control freaks step in and try to save us from ourselves constantly. "You can't turn right there by yourself. You need a little light that tells you when it's safe so you don't have to pay-attention and decide for yourself."

There's no substitute for self-responsibility. I don't want to live in a world where everything is carefully controlled and I'm not aloud to act based on my own reasoning and judgement.

The driver shouldn't have pulled out. The rider shouldn't have been going that speed. If either one of them had been more responsible the rider would be alive and the driver wouldn't be mentally scared for life. Unfortunately they both experienced the tragic consequences of their failure to act responsibly.
Had there been a light there would he have died? Nothing wrong with some old school tech like a light or median to keep people safe.
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