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Old September 15th, 2014, 07:06 AM   #21
dirty boy
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Name: Joe
Location: Johnstown, PA
Join Date: Sep 2012

Motorcycle(s): I don't even know anymore??

Posts: A lot.
MOTM - Apr '14
Not sure how it is in the rest of the country but where I live in PA the cold temps are not what keeps me off the roads in the winter, its the tons and tons of salt and gravel they put down on the roads. After the first couple of snowfalls around here it just makes more sense to put the bike away, not really worth it IMO.

Would rather keep it nice and not risk going down on loose gravel that is absolutely everywhere especially in the center of lane & at turns and stops, so that along with exposing it to all the salt keeps me off the road.

Could you ride all year here... maybe, would it be fun..... not likely....your chances of going down skyrocket up.... yes.
Besides, the thought of heated seats and heated steering wheel, makes me feel all warm and cozy inside
I love the smell of burning pre-mix in the morning

I don't think I'm a lot dumber than you thought that I think that I thought I was once.
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