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Old September 27th, 2014, 08:24 AM   #7
modaholic junkie
Name: Nick
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well this is not a 300 based engine which has an all aluminum cylinder block... it is most probably a resleeved 250 along with a 300 crank in 250's casings...unless he had an engine before it was taken out to production (mentions having already 2 racing seasons), this the same as Bruce's 336cc who has also put together such a nice combo...
The difference is using a 300 casings' along with aluminum block for 345cc in a 250's chassis...
there is no overbore kit designed yet for the 300 and if anyone has tried oversizing it, it must have been using the 250's block resleeved

Maybe that is a better, easier or more reliable choice... I am not questioning that, it is a matter of taste, preference and part selection. I am just saying I managed the first recorded so far attempt to use the 300's casing along with all-aluminum overbore kit, maybe I didn't after all
Anyway, that is not the point here...
If noone has tried it before, I will !!!
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