Thread: Ninja San
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Old October 8th, 2014, 01:27 AM   #19
modaholic junkie
Name: Nick
Location: Athens, Greece
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really beautiful stuff there Pratik !!!
I am really drooling when looking at those rims...
what are your impressions of them ? how different does the bike handle ? was it a huge improvement ?? did you happen to weigh them before installing them by any chance, to see the weight difference compared to stock ??

I noticed you covered the Leo Vince header pipes with insulation... was that for protection of plastic and other rubber stuff from heat or is it a performance mod ??
You've also changed the brake discs... which brand are they and how do they compare to stock ??
I hope there is more to come... I like the outcome very much !!
If noone has tried it before, I will !!!
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