Thread: Ninja San
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Old October 8th, 2014, 03:08 AM   #21
pratik06 member
Name: Pratik
Location: India
Join Date: Sep 2013

Motorcycle(s): Yamaha R15, Kawasaki Ninja 300

Posts: 67
Originally Posted by micoulisninja View Post
really beautiful stuff there Pratik !!!
I am really drooling when looking at those rims...
what are your impressions of them ? how different does the bike handle ? was it a huge improvement ?? did you happen to weigh them before installing them by any chance, to see the weight difference compared to stock ??

I noticed you covered the Leo Vince header pipes with insulation... was that for protection of plastic and other rubber stuff from heat or is it a performance mod ??
You've also changed the brake discs... which brand are they and how do they compare to stock ??
I hope there is more to come... I like the outcome very much !!
@micoulisninja Thanks . Yes, I did weigh the wheels before installing them. My main criteria is performance improvement, therefore, one of the first thing that I always do is find out if the proposed change will weigh less than the stock part it will replace. The results were interesting:

1. Stock Front (with IRC tyre): 10.4 kgs.
2. Brembo Front (with Metzeler tyre): 8.6 kgs.
3. Stock Rear (with IRC tyre): 16.3 kgs
4. Brembo Rear (with Metzeler tyre): 12.6 kgs

Therefore, the total reduction was about 5.5 kgs. All the more impressive as it is from spinning mass. I needed to change the disc rotor as the stock rotor would not fit with these rims. I have resized a KTM Duke 390 rotor which fits on this rim without requiring any other modifications to mount it.

The bike noticeably quicker with these rims. It also feels much lighter to steer. However, due to the reduction in unsprung weight, the stock suspension dampening has been upset, leading to a harsher ride. So suspension upgrades are foregone conclusion in future upgrades.

The exhaust warps are once again part of performance changes. While they have no effect across most of the power band, they do help at the top end. I am looking for any and every advantage I can get in the quest for performance no matter how small to help me achieve performance gains.

There is a whole lot more planned in terms of future upgrades.

Originally Posted by Somchai View Post
Pratik, these are fine modifications you made - congrats.
May I ask you if the rear rim from Marchesini for the 300 is a 4.00 inch or did you take the 3.50 inch?
Also as information for those who are looking for lightweight, the Galespeed are lighter and also wider than the Marchesini's.
Another question, do you have a dyno to map your fuel-controller? Maybe you contact @psych0hans for informations about that.
Good luck and a safe ride alltimes.
@Somchai: Thanks ...
These rims are 4.00 inch. Unfortunately, there is no bike dyno available in my town. Fortunately, Kerry has sent me a fuel map which is as close I am going to get to a ideal fuel map without dyno runs.
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