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Old October 11th, 2014, 09:12 PM   #59
Urban Legend
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Name: Baron
Location: Brampton, ON
Join Date: Apr 2014

Motorcycle(s): 09 Ninja 250R SE - Circe

Posts: 542

Longtimenoseeingsorryiwasawayworkshithappenedlongridesalsoicrashedintherainoilsl ickwohoquickupdate

Fine...I'll slow down and start again...

Hello people of earth...wait wrong speech xD
Cheers everyone,

Haven't posted in a while but a lot has been going on over here, so hopefully this will be a comeback post of sorts?
Oh well, Let me start with the good parts.

I've been going on more and more rides of late. Just a month or so ago I was out riding with a family who have been riding all their life. They were all on cruizers and I was the only one on a sport bike but it was a fun day. I kept up with them and at the end of which they told me that I ride Circe as if it was a 600 and gave the impression that I have been riding for some time though they still think I need a bigger bike. xD Probably the best compliment I've ever gotten.
I finally decided that I won't be upgrading for another season or two because it makes more sense, financially that is.

Also, seeing that this season is more or less at an end, I had one hell of a first season. 4.5-5k km in 4 months or so.....I could've done better but I took it at my own pace and had a lot of fun.

But that is where the good parts end

Last Friday, I kind of had my first crash, if you want to call it that, it was more or less a slip. To make it short, it was raining and while that is no problem in itself, I failed to notice oil had accumulated in the middle of the lane. I was slowing down and shifting to the right tire track when all of a sudden I lost all traction.

The next thing I know that I am falling down on my left side and Circe sliding a few meters away. Luckily I was wearing gear had a back pack behind me which prevented any serious injuries. I got away with some swelling on my quads, sore shoulder muscles a a bruise on my knee because I was wearing work pants instead of riding pants.

The damage to Circe was more or less cosmetic with the left side fairing taking most of it. The left handlebar is bent a bit though there isn't much difference in handling...well kind of. The forks and rims are fine. I've fixed the broken indicator light and though it took some time temporarily fixed the side fairing.

Also, for some reason my right boots took some damage, which is strange seeing as fell on my left....hmmm....oh well.

Here are a few before and one after shot[straight from the camera, so they pretty much suck, not to mention I was a bit unsteady after the slip so messed up photos]

It fits and is "fixed" but it certainly isn't elegant.

How the hell did this happen?

"Life is like riding - You can either tear the fastlane in half or stay in the slipstream trying to play catch up."
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