Thread: Tiny oil leak
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Old October 19th, 2014, 12:19 AM   #1
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Tiny oil leak

My bike has oil coming out of the spark plug area on the left side. Right looks fine. It comes out at such a slow rate that I haven't had to worry about it getting low, but if there are some issues that this could indicate/lead to that I should consider, by all means, educate me

Oh, also, when I changed my oil, I found some dried silicone sealant floating around in it, like the kind that goes around gaskets and really really sucks at keeping oil in and doing its job because it always peels up. I think that could definitely be a contributing factor. (minirant: I hate this stuff. I can see why one would think it'd be great because of it's rubberlike properties and insanely high melting point, but it's just not tacky enough to stay on effectively)

My guess is the spark plug gasket, but I'm not sure because I haven't gone spelunking in there yet. I've just looked at some parts diagrams. If anyone has any input before I get my hands dirty, it's definitely appreciated here!

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