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Old October 20th, 2014, 12:02 PM   #18
CVMA #272
UFOGUY's Avatar
Name: Don
Location: San Diego
Join Date: Oct 2014

Motorcycle(s): 03 BMW 1150RT (commuter), 03 KX65 (race bike), 12 EX250 (race bike), 07 R6 (track bike)

Posts: 16
As others have mentioned, the BRC is just that . . . Basic. Mastering that even with a 100% means you have demonstrated competence of riding your motorcycle at less than 25 MPH in a parking lot. The BRC2 is NOT an advanced course. It is meant to be a refresher for those who haven't ridden in a while or for the practicing of basic skills in a controlled environment for those who have changed styles of bike or just bought a new bike. Having instructed both courses, for the life of me I don't understand how people drop their bikes in this training. These are BASIC skills. What is even more frustrating is seeing them not master the skill but at the end of the day drive off on their own motorcycle in public, where you know they are just a statistic waiting for an opportunity. ARC is slightly more advanced, but just a little. If you want advanced level training, seek out a Total Control Course, Keith Code AMOS or ARTD, or one of the many other on-track (real world speed) courses.
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