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Old October 31st, 2014, 07:11 PM   #32
cadd cadd cadd
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Name: Cadd
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MOTM - May '15
Originally Posted by Roark View Post
Spend a little more and be considerate of your future motorists..
If my bike/car blows up because a little cardboard got into the motor, then it's my loss. Think about it, new motors may have metal shavings flying around in there. The motor seems fine. A little cardboard soaked in motor oil that's already soft isn't really going to kill the motor (I hope).

On my 2000 Lexus ES300 (Toyota V6 motor), when I was donating the car to charity (for parts) with over 230,000 miles on it (was a hand me down from my uncle....he was a car service driver......I took it on a 5 months backpacking trip cross country with it with a few buddies right after college)...I told myself that if I need a repair job more than $200, I'll give it away. After a few months, it still ran fine. I really tried to kill the car. No oil change would do it (I thought to myself). Well, that lasted for over 2 years!!! No oil change in 30,000 miles. Still wouldn't die! At the end, I still gave it away...still ran fine.

I'm not pro-FRAM or anti-FRAM. I honestly don't care. I look at what's available at Walmart that fits my car/bike and buy whatever is the cheapest. So far, it has worked for me. I honestly believe that if a certain brand of filter is so dangerous, and destroy motors....they will be out of business.

If you guys know anyone personally whose motor blew up because of a FRAM (or another cardboard) filter, I would love to hear the story.

@Hero Danny, you can give me all the unhelpful ratings you want. I wasn't trying to push my views on anyone. I merely stated what I personally do with my personal vehicles that I own.

And it's funny....I won't spend another $1.00 more on a filter, yet I send in my oil to Blackstone Labs for testing at least once a year per vehicle.'s not really a money problem for me. It's just I don't see much risk with using the least expensive filters.
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