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Old November 11th, 2014, 04:47 PM   #19
Jason5885 member
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Name: Jason
Location: Scotland
Join Date: Nov 2014

Motorcycle(s): 2010 Kawasaki Ninja 250r FI

Posts: 205
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Originally Posted by akima View Post
I live within comfortable riding distance of London. If you come this way I'd love to meet up for a coffee. There's a famous biker meetup place in London called the Ace Cafe. I haven't actually been yet, but that's a destination.

There's also a really cool cyclist orientated cafe/food-stop you should check out called Look Mum No Hands: The food there is SOOOOooo good. If you're not into cycling, it's still fun to go in and soak up the cyclist sub-culture.
For sure man, me and my girl are actually planning Europe next year , we'd be staying a night in England before the ferry/euro tunnel, if/when we are near il definatley hit you up. I've only ever been to the centre of London and stayed on Luton for about a week.

Originally Posted by csmith12 View Post
Nice vid Jason, I dig it! I would love to ride out there one day..... /wishes
If ever you do be sure to let me know your in the area! , there's some awesome twisty roads the whole way around the loch.

Originally Posted by adouglas View Post
I've been to the UK and Scotland a few times.

I LOVE driving there. Except for the price of fuel. Americans really should stop whining.

I did a fantastic run from the Bath area up to the borderlands of Scotland - 90 mph in a Fiat Punto, screaming its little Italian lungs out....

Here in the U.S. we're told that the left (right for you in Scotland) lane is for passing, during driver training. That is then immediately forgotten by everyone.

Not so in the UK. You park your slow butt in the passing lane and you DEFINITELY know it's the wrong thing to do.
yeah fuel is not cheap at all. Lucky for us with our high mpg bikes though right

Haha yeah if you go the speed limit in the passing lane your in trouble. I'm quite bad for staying in the passing lane at speed for longer than I should, but they've put up average speed cameras so you can't really do it anymore.

Originally Posted by LNasty View Post
I have been on it a few times. When I was 7 I was taking trip with my mom to california and on the map I saw that we were about to pass area 57 (Just says "restricted area", on the map), so I had her turn down a dirt road. We drove on that until we go to a gate that said military installation TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT ON SITE. As we were about to take a picture in front of it two military jeeps came out of nowhere and informed us that we need to immediately get back in our car and turn around. They were pretty nice about it since they could see that we were not there with criminal intent, but needless to say they were pretty adamant about us not taking a picture and leaving very quickly. Was a cool experience I will never forget
UFO? :O haha

Originally Posted by akima View Post
I think the two main causes of that are cruise-control: too lazy to put your foot on the throttle and WAAAaaay~ to lazy to switch back and forth between the slow and the fast lane as and when you need too. The other reason, is people stubbornly deciding that because they are driving at the speed limit in the fast lane, no-one should be overtaking them. Both people can be summed up with this image:

I tend to wait behind them for a while (not tailgating) and if they don't budge I do a calculated undertake, which involves creeping up to them in the slow lane, positioning myself as far away from them as I can and then pinning the throttle... which on a 2fiddy equates to a slow creep past them in full tuck looking like a doofus... a bright green and very noisy doofus

"which on a 2fiddy equates to a slow creep past them in full tuck looking like a doofus... a bright green and very noisy doofus "

Had a good giggle at this
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