Thread: high rpms?
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Old August 17th, 2009, 05:33 PM   #36
Anteraan member
Name: Scott
Location: Indianapolis
Join Date: Jun 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250 (Blue)

Posts: 167
Originally Posted by sombo View Post
That high pitched sound is normal and won't ever go away. In fact it's a good thing for our bikes. The reason it doesn't sound right is because you're used to car engines with red lines at <7000rpm's. Remember, this engines rev as high as 14,000 revolutions per minute. That's extremely fast for an engine. The only car based motors that rev that high are Formula 1 cars. If you've ever watched or listened to F1 race cars you'll know they're extremely high pitched and screaming. Well guess what, same goes for our little ninjette. It was designed to be a high revving screaming little bike. Only thing you can do is come to the realization that the high pitch exhaust note is actually normal and a good thing for your bike.
So true. When I first bought my Mazda 3, I rarely ventured above 4k rpm. I mean, the car moves along quite fine below that mark. However, since I've been riding the 250R, I find myself moving into the 5k band in the car fairly regularly. The 250R's engine really comes alive as you move up the rev range. After cruising at 8-9K for periods of time, it's no big deal. You won't even think about it. These engines are designed to take 10K+ comfortably and reliably.

Also, there are a couple harsh spots, where the engine feels a bit rough, but revving past those points smooths out the engine beautifully. By now I know my engine's "happy zones". <insert your own good vibration joke here>

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