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Old November 23rd, 2014, 04:19 PM   #96
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MOTM - Nov '14
The problem for all the climate change/ global warming supporters out there is that the percentage of doubters is rising.

I'm one of them and I'll give you a few more reasons why, and yes @choneofakind I'll be graduating this spring with a degree in Mechanical Engineering so I understand how statistics and standard deviations work.

First off you can't make a drastic conclusion like humans are causing global warming because of a 20-30 year period of slightly rising temps. CO2 levels have been rising and falling all throughout history, in fact when the dinosaurs were alive CO2 levels were 5 times what they are now. Must have been from all the coal they were burning.

But 97% of scientists believe global warming, or climate change, or whatever you want to call it today is real... Are these the same scientists that repeatedly make wild predictions like the average temps are going to rise one degree every year? Or that costal towns will all be under water? Or that there will be a drastic increase in the number of catastrophic storms? Predictions that are proven wrong year after year. The fact is that the American public is getting tired of it.

In my opinion there is a lot of overreacting going on here. Which isn't a surprise as it's what tends to happen. Remember all the hype after the earthquake that hit the Fukushima nuclear plant? Everybody was going on about all the radiation released and how none of the fish in the Pacific would be safe to eat, and so on.

I guess all these people forgot about the 1950's when the U.S. bombed the crap out of Pacific islands like Bikini Atoll. We put way more radiation into the ocean from those tests, and basically destroyed a whole population of native people at the same time all in the name of science. Where was all the outrage back then?
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