Thread: high rpms?
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Old August 22nd, 2009, 04:40 PM   #39
DarkNinja52 sage
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Name: aj
Location: New York / PA
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Motorcycle(s): Red 09 Ninja 250r aka Sheila (RIP), Red '10 Ninja 250r aka Sasha (Sold), White '13 Ninja 300 (To be Purchased)

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Originally Posted by sombo View Post
That high pitched sound is normal and won't ever go away. In fact it's a good thing for our bikes. The reason it doesn't sound right is because you're used to car engines with red lines at <7000rpm's. Remember, this engines rev as high as 14,000 revolutions per minute. That's extremely fast for an engine. The only car based motors that rev that high are Formula 1 cars. If you've ever watched or listened to F1 race cars you'll know they're extremely high pitched and screaming. Well guess what, same goes for our little ninjette. It was designed to be a high revving screaming little bike. Only thing you can do is come to the realization that the high pitch exhaust note is actually normal and a good thing for your bike.
At first I wasn't comfortable giving the bike some throttle. Just started off a little bit at time, but after a few days practice i'm gettin the rpms up to 9k - 10k then shifting and giving it some throttle and goin back up to 9k and the acceleration is great and the bike seems to be very content at those rpms.

Now i just need to work on slowing down when Im at speed, kind of afraid of locking up the wheels or not being able to stop fast enough, although bikes stop in a relatively short time. I accidently down shifted at some mid range rpms because i was slowing down but forgot to check the engine speed... i shifted into first. Really wish I had thought that through better because I was about inches away from flying forward over the windscreen.

Originally Posted by EngrNewf View Post
And it gives out good vibrations...
I'm not even sure what to say to that, or what I shouldn't say.
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