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Old February 2nd, 2015, 01:34 PM   #66
Misti sage
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Motorcycle(s): currently: Yamaha YZF 250 dirt/motard

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Originally Posted by csmith12 View Post
Sounds like you have a plan right there. ^^^

And I feel you while in the woods. All the branches, spider webs and such wreak havoc on your visual skills. And it makes perfect sense that the issue is more pronounced at faster speeds. For example; an airplane going 400+mph up in the sky looks like it's moving pretty slow, but a fighter jet skimming the deck at 400+mph will definately look fast.

Simply put, looking farther ahead will grant you space and time and your above average use of FOV will make it even better, if you can complement it with the right amount of attention.
Have you also considered the idea of improving your visual skills out WIDER? We always talk about looking farther ahead and that is very very important, but sometimes we get sucked into looking ahead but with narrowed vision, almost like we are looking down a long tunnel. So even though you are looking far ahead you lack overall awareness of what is going on around you, your sense of speed is skewed and it becomes easier to target fixate or get stuck looking at something you don't necessarily want to look at.

What if you also tried to pull your vision out wider, like opening up the curtains? On the street this might mean seeing from one edge of the road to the other edge, on the track it might mean seeing past the edges of the track on each side and in the forest it might mean looking past the narrow path you are riding to see more of the trail, more of what is around you.
"Leap and the net will appear!"
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