Thread: Monkey Butt
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Old March 20th, 2015, 03:07 PM   #20
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MOTM - July '15
Originally Posted by LNasty View Post
Got to see this happen first hand in college. During a drunken night the roommates and I found out that farts are WAY more flammable for some than others. One roommate could light his and create a large mushroom cloud looking fire ball, while even wearing jeans. Needless to say, it was one of the gnarliest things we had ever seen. This led to him doing it over and over, until his final fanfare created a gaseous ball of light, bigger and brighter than Hiroshima, which traveled down both legs to his knees and up past his belly button. The result; hilarity for those of us watching, and screaming from the ass fire master himself. He ended up with 1st and 2nd degree burns and lost all hair where the fire touched. If you asked him what the worst area was, he would say that his man berry pouch took the brunt force of the blast which caused considerable difficulty sitting down for the next week. Ahhhhh college, the things I learned that never came from a professor.
Ive had embe so flammable and come out so fast that they sound like a butane torch.
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