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Old September 29th, 2015, 03:43 PM   #39
FrugalNinja250 certified postwhore
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Originally Posted by maverick31210 View Post
You know what...

I just don't think the infrastructure is there for electric vehicles yet. If there was a charging station at every gas station, then sure but even then you have to wait hours (not sure how long those things take to charge). The technology has grown by leaps recently but I just don't feel like it's there.
The infrastructure is already in place for most Americans: Their own home. Most people who commute end up at the same place every night, namely their own home. For those people EVs are often times a good choice.

There is a small but extremely vocal contingent of anti-EV folks, and most of the negative points they cite are either factually incorrect, or functionally irrelevant. I don't know what bug crawled up the craw of these folks, really don't care as long as they don't screw things up for the rest of us. But, they seem bent on doing exactly that by getting people to believe that EVs are short-ranged, high-maintenance, and limited usefulness vehicles when in fact that's plainly not the case.

The reason I don't have an EV now is the same reason why almost nobody owned cars before the early 1900s: They're out of my price range. Elon Musk is attempting to do with his cars and batteries what Henry Ford did with cars, and unlike so many before him he's actually capable of pulling it off. If he does, within 5 years I may have an EV. What I won't have are oil changes, valve adjustments, belt replacements, antifreeze and transmission flushes, filter changes, tuneups, emissions inspections, catalytic converter and muffler replacements, and all the other maintenance that EVs don't have that internal combustion cars do.

But, if the anti-EV screamers manage to convince enough folks who otherwise could be very happy with an EV to avoid the technology then it will be the same as if the anti-car crowd was successful in convincing all the horse and buggy owners to stay with horse technology.

IMHO, if someone wants to stay in the past then they just should.

BTW, this isn't directed to you, but to all the folks who inevitably jump in to bash EVs.
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