Thread: Fitness!
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Old June 2nd, 2014, 12:05 PM   #14
corksil certified postwhore
Name: TC
Location: Hawaii
Join Date: Sep 2013

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Yeah I hear all that. Different strokes for different pokes.

Me, being a vain and conceited narcissist, I enjoy being on the "large" size. However I don't exactly fit the mold that you have in mind. I don't own a mirror. I lift my freeweights out in the garage, I don't like the gym atmosphere. (Irritating to see all these nasty fat fVcks show up and treadmill trot for 20 minutes and then leave like it was some big deal...)

Content to lift heavy from home, without an audience, without some big deal made about it. Compound lifts, not just "bicep curl, tricep press" stuff... compound lifts that build multiple muscles at once. High repetitions w/lowish weights, to build lean muscle. (However when you build "lean muscle" it eventually peaks and plateaus, in which case you have to add more weight, which adds more mass, which makes you bigger.)

I think most "body builder" type physiques are somewhat false on a practical level. Sure, the muscles are huge, goddamn veins all over, bulky mass, looks like the hulk --- but it's 'false' because it's mostly water weight, the muscles aren't anything near "lean muscle mass" -- it's more of an act than practicality.

As for your list of activities! Yeah right on! Everyone should get more exercise, period. Regardless of who you are.

A few of the things on that list I can't really do conveniently, but most of them are in my rotation.

Another great reason to lift, run, exercise etc is the high. The runner's high is absolutely real and absolutely undeniable. Your body goes numb, the top of your head tingles, your mind goes blank.... Honestly if you could find that feeling in a pill, I'd just buy the pill. But none of the pills I've eaten thus far provide any comparable feeling so the quickest way to that feeling is extreme physical exertion.

Originally Posted by subxero View Post
I just think "gym exercise" is mostly a waste of time. You want to stay fit, and gain strength where it is actually usable? Find some hobbies/activates that require physical exertion and go do them. This way, you have fun, get exercise, and get better/gain skill at whatever this hobby/activity is.

^better than spending an hour in a gym every day IMO where you build muscle that you will most likely never put to use and that bulk muscle most likely inhibits normal day to day functions more than it helps. Doesn't make sense in my head? but what do I know.
Some people say they like the gym... I think it is a chore and annoying. People that go to the gym are people that like looking at themselves in the mirror, JMO.

Get a hobby, hell 2 or three go do them, get skills, get fit, have fun.

here is a list of things that are fun, and will build usable muscle and help you stay in shape all at the same time.

bicycling, road or mtn I prefer mtn. work them legs and gluts, save those knees and build some serious cardio
rock climbing, Think your strong you ain't got nothing on these guys? Those big pipes won't help you here.
boxing/martial arts, build muscle where you need it, get trim, get faster, and learn how to kick ass... count me in!
dirt bike riding (if you have a big enough bike and ride hard, its a serious work out, hang on for the ride)
snowboarding/skiing (I forget what they say but you burn serious calories snowboarding and you build leg & core strength and gain balance)
basketball, great exercise, work on hand eye coordination, and work on your trash talking skills all at the same time.
hockey, ice skating, balance, core and leg strength, and you can put them boxing skills to go use to.
surfing, anything involving water is exhausting... less driving a boat.
swimming - to exhausting.. ill pass
wake boarding/skiing, fairly broad work out, + balance skills
skateboarding - balance, legs, just don't break an ankle

the list goes on...

With all of those things mentioned for not one of them does it pay to be huge ripped in the arms and shoulders/chest legs whatever, there is a fine balance between to much bulk muscle and lean usable muscle. Gym muscles are good for lifting symmetrical balanced weights and standing in front of a mirror... JMO

edit: this story in the news just today

if this kid is that good clearly you don't need the strength in that area to play the sport well so why develop it?
"So maybe the 6-foot, 180 pound Bennett isn't exactly at the same level of fitness as Bruins defenseman Zdeno Chara, who can reportedly do 31 pullups, but his on-ice skill is clear. And that's what matters most."

^^ Sounds like a skinny homo to me. I'll bet he can play hockey better than me, I'll bet that without a doubt. But once I figured out how to move around on skates, I'd catch him and smash him into the wall with the force of thor's hammer.

See, that's life. It's cruel. The strongest survive, the weak are trampled. I'd say that's the core reason why I like the strength I've built. There comes a point in life when a man finds himself in a room with no door. The only remaining option is to walk through a wall to get where he wants to be. Being a big mofo is having the strength to literally walk through walls.

Feels nice, people ask "can you help me move this furniture?" and you just say "please tell me where you want it and step out of my way" and then proceed to pick up a refrigerator, couch, gun-safe by yourself and move it like it's weightless. Life with god-mode enabled.
Just batshit crazy. All his posts are endless diatribes. Some are actually entertaining but mostly batshit crazy.
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