Thread: Honda CB500
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Old August 26th, 2013, 06:12 PM   #311
War Hippie
Thorgrim's Avatar
Name: Bob
Location: upper east Tennessee
Join Date: Aug 2013

Motorcycle(s): CB500F

Posts: 156

I have crappy knees so the bike's weight can be more of a problem than you'd suspect from my size advantage (5'11", 170#) over you. The only time the slight top-heaviness at very low speeds bothers me any isn't really because of the weight - it's because I learned to ride slow on a Bultaco Alpina which is essentially a trials bike with bigger tank and seat, and will turn almost a full 90 degrees. Doing the super tight and slow maneuvers like in the MSF course there have been a couple of times that, just as I was about to crank in tight and complete the turn, I hit the fork stop a bit sooner than expected and bobbled. I'm just going to have to remember that I'm not on a trials-type bike and quit trying those super-tight turns. However, I have a lot of fun clutch-slipping along with my feet on the pegs behind cars that won't simply pull up to a light and stop but instead constantly creep until the light changes, so it isn't the bike's fault, but rather mine for at times trying to ride it like something it isn't.

TL;DR - Try it, you'll like it. I doubt you'll get a ride at a dealer but maybe a friend has one.
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