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Old October 29th, 2009, 05:49 AM   #6
CPT Falcon
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Name: J.Emmett Turner
Location: Newnan, GA
Join Date: Apr 2009

Motorcycle(s): '08 CP Blue EX250J, '97 unpainted EX250F, 2nd '97 unpainted EX250F (no engine), '07 black EX250F

Posts: A lot.
Originally Posted by inbox526 View Post
Hmm. Thats assuming I can find either person that hit me right now..

I was actually parked next to an open space of about 4-5 feet, a red zone with a post designed for locking a couple bicycles to. So if I was facing the curb, the car's spot to my left, and 5 feet of open space to my right.

And there actually was NO honest guy in this situation. The number on the note left by that person is for a cell phone in kansas, registered to a completely different person.

Do many of you have experiences where your bike is knocked over and people leave as if it doesn't matter? With a car, this is almost unheard of. With my bike today, it happened twice within a span of 2 hours.
My mother was parked in the insurance office's parking lot (Allstate) and came out to find that the passenger-side wheel well and surrounding body of her Toyota Celica wash ripped apart with the responsible party nowhere to be seen. It had to be a large truck of some kind to have inflicted so much damage without hurting their own ability to drive off. All State wouldn't cover it simply because she wasn't in the car when it happened and so there was no "covered" driver.

Anyway, the wheel couldn't turn with all the mangled body pieces around it so a mechanic friend had to chop and hammer it out so I could still be driven. It looked like a big crushed mess, but it was drivable. There was still a huge concave area all around the tire and the tire would still scrape bits if you turned it too sharply. So, she was driving it around town a few weeks later and pulled into a parking lot. As she was traveling from one end to another, someone didn't see her and pulled out of one of the aisles, running their bumper right into the gigantic gaping hole left behind from the previous offender. Obviously, having not seen her prior to the impact, they jumped to conclusions and thought they were responsible for that massive amount of damage from such a low-speed collision! You should have seen the look of relief on their faces when we told them not to worry about it.
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