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Old July 30th, 2013, 07:09 AM   #18
Que Buenos Son!!!
ninjamunky85's Avatar
Name: Ryan
Location: Grovetucky, OH
Join Date: Jun 2012

Motorcycle(s): Aprilia Shiver 750, Husaberg FE 450, Ninja 300 (sold), xr100

Posts: A lot.
MOTM - Nov '14
As it's been mentioned here several times now, the best way to learn to wheelie or do others stunts like stoppies, is on a small dirt bike. Like the smaller the better, 50-80cc is just fine. You can pick one up for a few hundred bucks, which you can easily rack up in damage if you crash your ninja.

Learning the bikes balance point, and becoming comfortable with the front wheel in the air is the important part. It's a lot less intimidating to learn on a small bike, and the bikes are meant to take a beating. The ninjette is not a really a good bike to wheelie on, though it can be done. Sportbikes in general are more difficult to wheelie because of the weight on the front wheel and having more power helps.

I'm far from an expert, and I don't even try to wheelie my 300. Pretty much keep it to my dirt bike or supermoto. Once I learned the proper throttle/clutch technique it became a lot easier as well. I used to just pull the clutch, rev the throttle, drop the clutch, and pray. This is the wrong way to do it. Now I start by going about 20mph in 2nd gear, then give the throttle a good twist, a second later I pull the clutch with two fingers just enough to make it slip, then pop out the clutch. It helps to be on the pegs as well on a underpowered bike. Just make sure to cover the rear brake at all times. Once you get more comfortable you can then start upshifting while doing a wheelie, best way to do this is clutchless.

If people give you crap for doing wheelies remember, haters gonna hate, just be prepared to take some sh*t if you crash.
Don't do something because it's easy,.. Do it because it's not!
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"Drive it like you stole it"!!!
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