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Old September 1st, 2010, 10:56 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2008

Posts: Too much.
Ah, Peace and Quiet... at LAST!!!


makes you wish for year round schooling.

taken from PC Mech

Summer's Over [RANT]

by Rich Menga

Although you may not have noticed it, the Internet gets very rude during June, July and August. The reason? Kids on Summer Vacation. Many are at home, bored and have nothing to do so they do a lot of things online. They game, they chat and of course they annoy the living crap out of just about everyone they interact with.

Several Septembers ago I noticed that as soon as the kids went back to school, the Internet became a much nicer, calmer place. I said to myself, "Nah. I refuse to believe that the kids going back to school has anything to do with the overall attitude of the Internet." But every September after that, I noticed the same thing. June would come, the kids were home and all of a sudden the Internet turned into Dodge City. September came, and all was quiet again.

It wasn't a coincidence. Kids online truly do have that much of an impact concerning the attitude of the general Internet populous.

You might be saying, "But I don't interact with kids online at all." You probably did and weren't aware of it. During the Summer months it's absolutely uncanny how many belligerent/rude comments you'll see on blogs, forums, social networks and the like. It happens every year starting in June like clockwork.

I'm not saying all kids are bad, however the fact that everything goes quiet every September is not something I can simply sweep under the rug and ignore. When the kids are in school, the adults (especially those of use without children) can relax and use the Internet more freely compared to just a scant few weeks before.

Summer's over and the kids are back in school. Enjoy the peace.
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