Thread: Gixxer Logic
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Old August 23rd, 2010, 08:46 AM   #15
Newb..... on a steeek! :D
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Originally Posted by Rayme View Post
I wouldn't call a car with 20 $ K in mods rice by any means. You got some facts wrong here. By the way, 15 years old V8 muscle cars were SLOW by today's standards, most new stock performance 4 bangers will hold up to them in straights and easily in the corners. Modding car is just not about BUYING something fast, it's about BUILDING something, and yes, there is some very ugly imports out there, but the ones done right are very nice. I drove a v8 camaro from the 90's yes, they are fast...and it's about the only good thing I had to say about it seriously.
Ok, you missing my point, you're not separating the 'breeds' of people properly.

There are the "ricers", there are the "gearheads" and there are "muscleheads".

Gearheads will go out, look for a specific car to get. The car could be domestic or an import, certain model, certain year. They could be looking for a specific chassis, suspension, engine, transmission, or whatever it is they have in mind to build around. They buy that car used then start with the engine, tearing it 100% apart and rebuilding it from the ground up properly just the way they want it. They know what they are doing and tune it right, using components not because of a name or how flashy they are, but because they know that this works great with that and this. They don't spend top dollar on crap just because they read it a magazine or saw it in a movie. They also don't make the car flashy focusing on the go instead of the show.

Then there are the ricers and muscleheads. Both have similar attitudes and knowledge but from opposite sides of the car wars. Ricers will do just as I said, get a brand spanking new import car cause it's "cool". Then spend nearly the cost of the car in "upgrades" on the car. They get all the top name flashy stuff they heard of cause it's cool and so-and-so uses it. They flash up the exterior, interior, stereo, put flashy parts in the engine, mess with the tranny and suspension but have NO clue what they are doing.

In the end they spend tons of money but don't actually improve performance that much cause nothing is tuned right, parts are made to be flashy instead of working together with other parts, and it's not much more then a big flashy Frankenstein of parts. Muscleheads are the same just with American muscle cars. They get a muscle car mod it in ways they don't understand and don't really do much for the performance of the car. Then both of them will talk smack till the cows come home if and when they win in a race.

Those are the idiots I can't stand. That's the ricer mentality. Mod a car to hell and back cause it's cool, barely win and then talk smack cause they think they are a car god.

The gearheads on the hand, will blow your doors off in a car that looks like it's barely holding together then say good race. Then they start talking about what they did and offering suggestions on what you can do to your ride. These guys I respect regardless of what car it is.
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