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Old June 29th, 2012, 09:36 PM   #22
Boom King
So, where's the reverse?
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Name: Anson
Location: Ontario, Canada
Join Date: Nov 2010

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Even if they somehow managed to make these drinks not taste disgusting, the potential drawbacks far outweigh any perceived benefits you might gain from an energy drink, or even soda pop for that matter. Aside from possibly raising the risk of diabetes and obesity, you've got other harmful chemical reactions to worry about.

Most of these drinks contain citric acid to give flavour and fizz, and benzoic acid as a food preservative. The concern is when you combine these two chemicals, they form benzene, a carcinogenic molecule. Now, one can of pop contains a low enough amount that if you drink it occasionally, there's probably not too much to fuss about. On the other hand, if you're slamming 3 cans back per day over a long period of time, you might want to start thinking about cutting back.

The other concern is the pop can itself. There is a plastic lining on the inside that keeps the aluminum from leeching into the liquid and also to protect the can itself. Without it, the citric acid would actually eventually start to corrode and rust the can from the inside out. However, now you've got toxic BPA from the plastic leeching into your foods and drinks. Yummy stuff.
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