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Old March 7th, 2011, 08:02 PM   #35
Humble Observer
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Location: Augusta, Maine
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Motorcycle(s): 2009 Yamaha XT250

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Originally Posted by Sailariel View Post
ISince the Ninjette is considered a "Beginners" bike (something I emphatisally disagree with), Why not save a few dollars and equip the bike with a cheap tyre? Kawi is underestimating the intelligence of Ninjette owners. It may come back to bite them--Honda is doing the same thing with their 250.

It is advantageous for Kawasaki and Honda to promote their high performance 250cc bikes as beginners bikes. They would like to see you ride one for a couple of thousand miles, decide you are an advanced rider, and then sell you a Literbike. If you kill or maim yourself on the thing--who cares? They sold a 250 AND a 600 or 750 or 1000. They made their money and you are "Toast"

Hate to sound cynical, but business is business. I hope that our tightly knit family can avoid the temptation of going for more cc's and settle down to appreciate what they really have--which is a great bike that they can really become proficient in riding.

Always remember that the purpose of advertising is to convince you that you absolutely have to have what you really don't need.
I also think Honda is going a bad way with their 250. I didn't think of this reason though. Way to go.

Meanwhile, back on topic:
It seems rational that the IRC tires that have come on the Ninja 250 are probably "factory spec" (as in bike mass production, not the race-related definition). If that is the case, the tires could conceivably be of a lesser capability than the same tire model if it were sold to the public.
Everything I post is "IN MY HONEST OPINION".
Why is "Parking Lot Enduro" not a thing?
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