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Old July 12th, 2010, 07:21 AM   #14
Ninjette CPT
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Name: Vince
Location: jacksonville, fl
Join Date: May 2009

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review that thread and you will find some good info that pretty much addresses your question. here's the thing, it is very difficult to achieve multiple goals at once when it comes changing your body. if you're naturally slim and want to put on muscle, you will need to back off on your cardio, hit the weights hard, and EAT, EAT, EAT. unless you eat garbage, (fast food and processed crap), you don't have to worry about getting fat. sounds like you eat pretty healthy from the example you gave.

what's your height/weight? what have your experiences working out been like in the past? what are your body's natural tendencies (slim, muscular, or soft/pudgy).

p90x is an awesome, well-balanced program, that addresses everything. i recc. you give up your current routine of swimming and biking for just 90 days and follow the program AS IT IS OUTLINED. when you've completed it, see how your body has changed and go from there.

my personal experience was this. i had not worked out consistently and had been drinking on the weekends way too much after my wife bailed on me. i got fed up and ordered p90x. at the start i was 5' 10"/197lbs and about 18% body fat. by the end of 90 days (sooner actually) i was 185 and 13-14%, with no loss in muscle and a dramatic change from no definition to defined.

the cardio component of p90x got me back in shape to where i began running and cycling as well. i found that i really enjoy these two activities, so now i lift weights 3x/wk using the p90x routines, and run/cycle/kickbox on my off days for cardio.

been doing this since 09/08 and today i am 182 and 11-12% body fat. at 31 i am in the best shape of my life.

let me know if you have any questions.
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