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Old March 30th, 2012, 04:34 AM   #18
Cat herder
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MOTM - Jul '18, Nov '16, Aug '14, May '13

You can cut out all that stuff and still eat too much. IMHO you're focusing on the wrong thing. Don't obsess over what you can and can't eat. You've got a negative view of this… (IT SUCKS BUT I HAVE TO DO IT AND I'M NOT LOSING WEIGHT!) No wonder you're miserable.

What I learned is that it's really, really simple. If you consume less than you burn, you'll lose weight. Period. So pay attention to just one thing… just one. How many calories you consume. (duh.)

I found that doing the whole "is this healthy or isn't it and why the heck am I still heavy?" dance was too complicated and too much of a negative thing. It was all about denial. "I can't eat this or that anymore. What a bummer." Instead, I just paid attention to how many calories I was eating.

If I crave a fast food burger, then fine, I can have one. It won't kill me. Of course, one fast food burger pretty much blows half my daily calorie budget, so if I eat it I have to make that up somewhere else. It's just like having an allowance as a kid. You can buy the expensive thing or a lot more stuff if you go for less expensive items. You learn to budget.

Doing it this way requires you to have just a little bit of discipline… to actually figure out how much you're putting in your pie hole, track it honestly, and use that information.

I used a website (and app) called Loseit, and it made it really, really easy. ( It's a simple calorie tracker with a food database -- and you can customize the database. You tell it what you weigh, how much you want to weigh and how fast you need to get there (tip: Go slow) and it gives you a budget. Enter everything you eat (EVERYTHING) and you see instantly how much you can still eat that day. Stick to that and you'll lose weight.

Eating healthy comes almost as a side effect of this simple activity, because you can eat a lot more healthy food for the same number of calories. You start seeing the world differently. "Wait, you mean I can have this ENORMOUS plate of healthy food or I can have just one small fast-food burger? What a no-brainer!" What amazed me when I did this was how full I was all the time.
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