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Old August 15th, 2011, 05:58 PM   #125
Bushmaster11B's Avatar
Name: Jason
Location: Ft Campbell
Join Date: Mar 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250R "Limited Edition" w/ Metallic, Pearl Essent, Candy Coat 3 Tone Paint Job

Posts: 181
Since you are in good shape now and you are cutting, I believe you should look into the "Insanity" work out videos. After my eyes heal up in the next 15-30 days, I'm hitting Insanity up hard.

Also, when you do your lifting.... try switching to high reps and lower weight, no breaks between sets. Rotate through 3-5 line up weight lifting excersizes. Flxuate your low rep heavy lifting vs. high rep low weight lifting every week. This will not only build endurance (which builds metabilism faster) but it will prevent plateau.

Food: try other fished like fresh grilled salmon. (george foreman should work greak, it's faster), salads with olive oil and basalmic viniger (if you like it). I know pasta with any white sauce is very good night prior to cardio. You don't have to sacrifice good foods, just bad food like fast foods. Every now and then (1 day a week for me) cheat and eat whatever you like. You deserve it and you worked hard for it. Just don't be excessive, you know?

So how do you like that Oxy Pro Elite? Good stuff huh? I like everything you use for supplements too. Jacked 3D is good, it offers alot for lifting. It doesn't cause the jitters however the only thing I would be concerned about is how it expans your blood vessels. Be careful with it Bro. Follow what the black label warning says. I use NO Explode. It does cause the jitters but I have found that it stabilizes the oxygen in your blood better and more without expanding your blood vessels. Basically, it will work faster and stay in your system longer which in turn builds your muscles bigger (true strength and size vs. water filled muscles) if you understand exactly what creatine does. The only thing about it isthat you may have to get another creatine supplement mecause it doesn't have much as jacked 3D.
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