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Old May 27th, 2011, 11:24 AM   #74
Liber sage
Name: Chris
Location: Arkansas
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): EX250J

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Originally Posted by Liber View Post
Playing with fire is another term I like. Walking on a golf course in the middle of a thunderstorm is playing with fire(or asking for it). Throwing rocks at a bees nest is playing with fire(or asking for it). etc. Unlike the incident leading up to the slut walks I think you are referring to, "asking for it" is a perfectly legitimate reason to question someone's intelligence. No one intends it as an excuse for the perpetrator, but as a question of the victims intelligence. These 2 riders made a slew of dumb mistakes that lead to me wonder how smart they are.

As for no one ever asking for it, go ask any half intelligent woman how smart it is to wonder around alone at night. The vast majority will always have someone with them. Hell, I wouldn't even wonder around alone at night in certain areas of my own town, because "I would be asking for it"
Originally Posted by sombo View Post
This is the sort of mentality that is hurting society. By using the idea of "oh they were asking for it" you are trying to remove blame from yourself onto them. That is extremely shallow and self-righteous in thinking. By using that mentality you are trying to claim you are better then them. Also look at how you jumped immediately into using the term slut. A woman who dresses nice yet sexy is not a slut. If that's how you think then you should consider the idea that you might be a sexist. I've seen many women, wives, mothers, sisters, professionals, that dress sexy yet upscale. Does that mean they are sluts because they wear clothes that accentuate their good looks? No it does not, and it in NO way means they are asking to get raped. But a man with no respect for women, no respect for the law, and extremely horny will do what they want and then try to use that excuse of "she was asking for it". It's a lowlife attempt to beg for mercy when you know what you did was wrong imo.

The same idea goes for what the bikers did. In most places what they did is illegal, but we don't know what the letter of the law is in that area. So who are we to judge? Even if their area has the first bikers action as illegal, it does not excuse the truck driver for his actions in response. His actions far outweigh what the biker did to start this. The biker put himself in danger when he started the pass. The truck driver put everyone on the road in danger with his actions.

The first biker was stopped at the stop sign to wait for his buddy who did the smart thing and stayed behind the truck. I highly doubt he had any idea that the truck was still after him by that point. To me he looked surprised and a little shaken to see the truck again. The second rider did the smart thing of staying behind the truck. He stayed close enough to keep an eye on him while trying to catch up to his friend. After they stopped, I agree, he should have approached his friend away from the driver and immediately called the police after getting the license plate number. He was wrong in approaching the driver and was lucky it didn't end up with someone getting hurt or shot.
THE Slut Walks are a series of protests related to a rape in Toronto, in which several officers implied a woman was asking for it because of her state of mind and her choice of clothing at the time of the rape.

What's wrong with society is a group of people dictating what I can and can't do based on their own value judgements. As long as my actions don't infringe on the rights of others, it really shouldn't matter.

Yes, I'm more intelligent than some nutcase that decides to go fishing in the middle of a lightning storm, but am I going to bar him from doing it? nope(family and friends excluded). It's his life and he can do as he pleases, but he is asking to get struck by lightning.

We balance risk and pleasure all the time we get on the bike, but we take EVERY precaution that's practical. MSF, gear, and a combination of defensive/offensive driving skills we practice and practice and practice.

If you are going to throw caution to the wind and go out of your way to put yourself in danger, I'm not going to feel that sorry for you. Don't go insulting a drunk guy at a bar who is twice your size, you are asking for it. Don't weave in and out of traffic at 100mph without a helmet on, you are asking for it. Don't go walking through a gun range(EVER) while people are shooting. I can go on and on.

If some woman wants to go walking through New Orleans with a tube top and high heels on at 1AM by herself, she can do it all she wants, but when I turn on the news and hear that she got raped, 2 thoughts are going to got through my mind: 1) Damn she was an idiot, 2)I hope they find and can the guy that raped her.
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