Thread: psychologist
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Old March 19th, 2017, 09:01 AM   #138
Daily Ninjette rider
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Name: Hernan
Location: Florida
Join Date: Mar 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2007 Ninja 250

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Originally Posted by Koala View Post
?....... I need that extra cash for what I want. If that 2015 is still at the dealer around June I should be able to swing it but it's going to be tight. Definitly going to have to wait until next year for the track though.........

On the mental health side, ..............

any thoughts?
I would recommend you, only if you are genuinely interested in motorcycling, looking for a cheaper bike still in good condition, so you avoid the frustration of mechanical problems.
Pre-2008 Ninja's 250 are excellent reliable machines and @1K buys you one of those in good condition.

I see three advantages from going that route:
1) Very probable mishaps of the learning process, including track practicing, will be less painful and costly to mend.
2) Learning motorcycling well, especially when couched by cmith12, will greatly help you with your self-confidence and depression problem soon, rather than later.
3) Any difference in cost can be used for protecting gear and riding training.

Regarding the dreams, the above is related; it seems to me.
I don't believe in the significance or perception of dreams; bad dreams happen to me when I eat late, something is trying to wake by brain up or I am not sufficiently tired physically.

Nevertheless, your dreams show a perception of inadequacy to solve catastrophic problems or difficulties.
As many people, you are stronger than most difficulties and adversities.
However, you are convinced that you are not, which makes it an incorrect perception rather than a reality.

That perception, and the concept that you have to act upon those events that deviate from your ideal of how things should develop or be, give you anguish.
The problem is that anguish sustain itself at subconscious level for long time, even in a permanent matter, which is a terrible thing for you health and for the sense of joy that you are wired to naturally feel.

Motorcycling is a powerful mental activity.
It will work on reducing or eliminating that continuous subconscious anguish.
It will because, as you learn to control your reactions and your machine, your self-confidence will get stronger, as your sense of freedom and independence, as your awareness of your surroundings and the tricks that your brain likes playing on you.
In the process, you will think less and feel more, you will learn how things are versus how you believe they should be, you will compare yourself less and less with others and with the ideal and unachievable you.

Start riding soon, learn to be the best rider that you can be and ride much !!!
.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
"Mankind is composed of two sorts of men — those who love and create, and those who hate and destroy. Love is the bond between men, the way to teach and the center of the world." - José Martí

Last futzed with by Motofool; March 19th, 2017 at 08:33 PM.
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