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Old October 4th, 2015, 09:21 PM   #1
RIP Alex
cuong-nutz's Avatar
Name: Cuong
Location: Houston, TX
Join Date: Apr 2011

Motorcycle(s): '10 250r, '09 265r

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Blog Entries: 2
Unhappy 3rd time is a charm....

I wrecked again this past Friday after work.

TLDR version:
no gear
low speed
single vehicle accident
fine invisible silt on the road
front end washed out
road rash
cannot ride for a long time

The long story version:

I came home from work on time for once. I had noticed that my front end was clucking loose over bumps and figured the last accident had knocked my stem bearings loose or at least my stem nut since I could loosen it by hand. So I tightened up the stem bearings down just a smidge and torqued the stem nut down to spec. Did other maintenance and checked my tire pressures. I saw the front could use a couple pounds of air and the rear could use a boost as well. I had already put my gear up and I was sweaty from wrenching on the bike so figured I squid it up to the gas station half a mile down the road and air up the tires. I only made it a quarter mile down the road, if that.

There was a water main that had broke and was spilling water on the right side of the road (3 lane road). I ride in the far left lane away from the water and pass the spillage where all 3 lanes were dry. I want to say I had just barely began to squeeze the front brake and that's when the front just gave out. My approximate speed would have to be 25 mph or less. It happened fast but the impact of falling snapped the end of my clutch lever off cutting a small hole in my left hand. My left knee hit the pavement, chest hit the ground and median. Face touched the median which caused my glasses to scrape under my eyelid.

The lady behind me slowed down and pulled out over the lanes to make sure I didn't get run over and asked if I was ok and what had happened. I told her that it was something on the road which caused my bike to lose traction. She asked if I need an ambulance which I responded no. I went over to pick up my phone and pencil gauge which had fallen out of my breast pocket and proceeded to pick up my bike which was still running. I told her I was going to ride back home and she asked if she could follow me to make sure I was ok and I told her thanks and I would not mind it.

Got to my place, thanked the lady for her help and cleaned myself up to drive myself to the my friendly neighborhood urgent care center that I have visited before for my previous accidents. Got stitches and pain meds. I will not be riding for a while until after the wedding. The fiancee is stressed enough as it is.

I was really really lucky. I could have killed myself easily. Please wear your gear everyone. Do not fool yourself thinking nothing can happen within a short distance of travel even at slow speeds. Expect the unexpected or otherwise it will bite back at you hard.

I'll post pictures eventually with a disclaimer possibly.
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