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Old April 26th, 2011, 08:11 AM   #161
Green Streak
Ninjette Owner
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Name: Rick
Location: Aiken County, SC
Join Date: Jun 2010

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250R SE, a puddle of Ninja ZX6

Posts: 520
Let's face it riding a motorcycle is a gamble; if you enjoy it enough you will take the risks. But if you are smart, you try to reduce your odds of becoming a skid mark on the pavement as much as possible. I wear bright colors, and stay as attentive and defensive as possible. I wear protective gear, and dont drive recklessly. For example, if I see a car about to turn onto the road I am on, I prepare for the worst, I get my hands ready for a possible emergency stop or evasive maneuver, and I make sure that I have power, I will shift down if I have just started in a gear, etc... All these things together are things that help your odds.

The things mentioned above probably do more than anything to increase my odds of avoiding an accident. But I also have always replaced my stock can with an aftermarket one on every bike I have owned. I am not talking about exhaust that makes your ears bleed, I am talking about reasonably loud exhaust. The #1 reason I do it, is to increase my odds of being seen(noticed) by inattentive motorists.

I used to be on Fire/Rescue for many years and one of my jobs was working on the 'Jaws of Life' (Hurst Tool) team/First Responders Team for motor vehicle accidents (10-55s), so I have probably seen more car/motorcycle accidents than most.(also why I will never get on a bike without a helmet... ever) Most times that someone hits a motorcyclist, they say that they did not see him/her (you would not believe the number of times I have heard that). The stock exhaust on most of the bikes that I have owned is quiet enough that you will not hear it in a car at most any speed. If having a louder exhaust (but still within legal limits) makes more people 'notice' that you are there. That increases the chances that you will not end up a 'car launched, meat missile'. So what if it only increases your chances that they notice you by a couple percentage points. That means a slightly better chance that your number will not come up today. And in my book that is a very good thing. You may decide that it is not worth it for a slightly better chances of avoiding an accident... that is your choice. My .
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