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Old March 10th, 2010, 11:50 AM   #130
pedaltothemetal member
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Name: Leo
Location: Monterey Park, CA in SoCal/SGV
Join Date: Dec 2009

Motorcycle(s): Plasma Blue 2008 Ninja 250R, 2006 Honda Ruckus 180cc swap, 1967 BMW R60US, 2008 Ninja ZX-14se

Posts: 240
Originally Posted by mrlmd View Post
I'm sorry, but this is wrong, from the first sentence to the last, and makes absolutely no sense. And why does using 91 just in case you get a batch of bad gas help? Why is that better? You still don't understand what octane rating means and what it does. Not only are you wasting your money, you are robbing your engine of power and also going against the recommendation of the engine manufacturer. Do you really think you know better than them?
People have the mistaken idea that the higher the octane rating, the better or more powerful the gas is, and that is just not correct. So do what you want, use your own logic to justify your actions, but you are not helping yourself or your bike in any way.
Bad gas just means lower octane than advertized cause some unscrupulous dealers buy less quality gas with additives missing so they can make a few more pennies per gallon. Makes the engine run bad.
In my camaro running regular will cause the engine to retard if the knock sensor detects it. This decreases performance. I have always been a car guy and so with my ninjette treat it just like a high performance engine!
You go by the book and I just go by my experience and we both are very happy!
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