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Old March 10th, 2010, 07:41 PM   #176
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Name: Casey
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Join Date: Nov 2009

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OK sorry to keep dragging this thread on. We're almost done here.

We have one characteristic to this gauge that must be obeyed when it comes to the display digit.

It has to fit a "10 pin DIP" package. It also has to have the same "pinout"

I suppose you could even wire different digits to it if you wanted but you'd have to add wires where the digit goes on the board.

I know for sure that I can get the digits to populate these gauges. The exact digit part number is NTE3057, which a short google search turns up several places to buy them. I got these ones from my local electronic store so I know I can get more.

But we can now also start looking for other digits that might be brighter with the same physical properties as the digit I am using now.

Either way, if you have a smoked windscreen you probably won't have to worry about it. Or you could stick the gauge down in your fairing or somewhere dark on the bike. It's small enough that you will have tons of options.

I still have yet to design a case for the PCB/gauge because I need the PCB's to arrive so I can assemble one and figure out it's final size. When I go looking for what to use as a gauge case I will try to select something that ads shade over the display digit so it will be easy to see at any time.

I'm telling you guys though the gauge with the LED's on it instead of the digit will be the hot product. You'll be able to see it in any situation.
I also made these things totally expandable and the firmware can be upgraded and the program can be added to etc etc etc. You will be able to add your own components if you have ideas you want to add to it later, or I can even help you implement parts to the gauge you might want. (IE, a shift light or whatever)

Oh yes, there is also a potentiometer included on each board for people who like to tweek things. It will be programmed to do different things to the lights or run a different program routine or whatever.

This should turn out pretty cool!
Now that the design is done, I can box up my crap and move.
__________________________________________________ <Yeah, it's a 250.
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