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Old July 16th, 2011, 10:07 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by wtfh4xx View Post
Too40, you know nothing about the conflict do you?
They young aren't mad because they dont get a "free ride", their pissed because they have no future. They will have no chance to even work a job.
Do you know why?
The retirement age that was upped is being upped again, meaning that older people have to work harder and longer for their pensions and retirement and as such those jobs are not opening to the young people who have the new education and a whole life ahead of them.
The old are getting screwed another 5-10 years and the young dont even get a chance.
Everyone is pissed, add the economic situation and you get this flare up.

Quit ranting and think for a moment about all sides of the issue.
The cop is doing his job yes, and as I covered in another recent thread, thats HIS CHOICE.
If a cop dont want to be pelted with Molotovs then perhaps consider another occupation.
I'll continue laughing and saying OH DAMN at pictures like this.

p.s. I like that you condemn students for trying to find their future by rioting, and yet you say that you'll shoot KIDS IN AMERICA if they ever want to do the same thing.
What's the retirement age in Greece and what is it being upped to?
Why is it being 'upped'?
Why cant someone retire at 35 y.o, why does someone have to tell him when to retire?

Answer those questions and we'll be ontrack to find out just exactly what the problems in Greece are.

I will have no compunction killing or advocating the killing of someone throwing a Molotov cocktail at me, my loved ones, or my colleagues. If a Molotov cocktial is not a deadly weapon, then what is, pray tell?

'Kids in America' will not be throwing molotov cocktails. If they are, they are no longer 'kids' but murdering lowlives. Same concept as if I was on patrol in a foreign nation and took rounds from a 12 year old with an AK. Its neither illegal or immoral for me to kill a 'kid' attempting to use a deadly weapon to do the same to me or mine.
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Old July 16th, 2011, 10:09 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Too40gawlf View Post
I will have no compunction killing or advocating the killing of someone throwing a Molotov cocktail at me, my loved ones, or my colleagues. If a Molotov cocktial is not a deadly weapon, then what is, pray tell?

'Kids in America' will not be throwing molotov cocktails. If they are, they are no longer 'kids' but murdering lowlives. Same concept as if I was on patrol in a foreign nation and took rounds from a 12 year old with an AK. Its neither illegal or immoral for me to kill a 'kid' attempting to use a deadly weapon to do the same to me or mine.
lets take the hocky riots in canada lately... are you suggesting the rioters should have been shot dead?
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Old July 16th, 2011, 10:24 PM   #43
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anyway this thread is getting far too out of hand. not to mention my power is about to be shut off for the night for repairs... maybe you should not have such a strong opinion on things... you make americans look ...well... i'll leave it at that.
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Old July 16th, 2011, 10:47 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
quite a long response so i'll break up my responses...

not sure why you think this. but i would openly invite any evidence that shows any media corporation is unbiased. anywhere. please... i would LOVE to see it.
Fine. All media has a certain bias,then. But dont assume to know where and what sources anyone else (including me) get information from, implying your sources are superior/more factual.

Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
so you're saying a population (or rather, segment of a population) fighting or rioting against it's government isn't revolt? or are you saying it's not "valid revolution" because the people who are mad are (in your eyes) 'lazy non-working entitlists'? this really confuses me almost sounds like you yourself are viewing things from your own biased opinion instead of trying to objectify the situation.
Yes, Im saying its not a valid revolution. This is my opinion based on the fact that these people have a democratic process to elect their leaders to enact policy on their behalf. In addition the Greek government does not oppress these people by limiting their freedom or snatching them up in the middle of the night to throw into prision. I dont know exactly, but I dont think the Greek government is viewed as a violator of human rights, say like the government of Libya. So basically these people are not happy with policy and instead of working to change the policy by political and democratic means, they are actively sabotaging the well being of their country and destroying their cities. Now they've apparently graduated to attacking their rightful law enforcdement entities.

Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
so you're saying that because one area has worse violence or a higher rate of mortality per rioter/revolutionary, that anything else is "not good enough"? this really confuses me even more. does that mean that the minor revolutions in history are no longer revolutions because we have mass genocide?
Not exactly. Im saying 1200 people have been murdered by the State in Syria, as have countless people in Libya, as have countless people in Iran. The populations of all those nations have a legitimate complaint against their governments because their government have forcefully denied them due process and peaceful political means to change their environments. Not to mention the horrific human rights abuses that they are subject to. In Greece, none of the above applies: the government doesnt jail people for having opinions against the government, or make people disappear because they criticize policy, or deny them a democratic means to choose their leaders. In my opinion, wrecking a city because economic relaities force you to take less entitlements and have to actually get a job is not the same as risking yourlife against a diabolical regime intent on oprresing you. So yes, the Greek commotion falls far short of a legitmiate revolution.

Originally Posted by alex.s View Post

sorry, but i believe you implied that when you said:
You believed incorrectly. I think I was pretty clear. You initially dismissed the attempted burning to death of a cop as if it was no big deal. Eh, everyday occurence. Well, not in a Western democracy with a profesional police force, it isnt.

Originally Posted by alex.s View Post

please... point out where anyone is "giddy chortling" at anything here? again- i think you're really reading into things to hear what you want to hear.
Umm, look at the first 3 or 4 posts oh this thread. Not saying you were 'chortling' but some people clearly found it funny.

Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
unfortunately none of us know the police officer in the photo so i can't tell you how many people he has or hasn't killed, and how many of the people he has or hasn't killed "deserved it" or not. honestly i don't think killing someone solves much of anything. i never "chortled" at anything, but if you're implying me, i would find it extremely distasteful to take pleasure in anyone's death. perhaps you disagree and simply like killing?
True. We dont know the police officer. He might be a pedophile rapist and totally deserved to die a gruesome fiery death.

I dont like killing. I draw a huge distinction between murder and killing. Murder is always wrong. Killing is not. There are just some people on the planet that deserve killing. You can be a person of character and honor and conscience and have no hesitation in killing those that deserve killing.

Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
the point i'm trying to make that you seem to be ignoring or not understanding is that you are making quite a lot of assumptions based on limited third party information being provided to you by sources who have personal interests. perhaps it would be wise instead to be more objective about situations you aren't directly involved in. you seem to have an extremely subjective point of view and seem to project apparently past experiences on current events.
You're right, I dont have nearly all the information or facts on the ground. But I can only assess the situation with what I do have and everything Ive said in this threadis based on that information. Can I be wrong on some facets? Sure. But if anyone can show where Im factually wrong, I have no problem admitting it.
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Old July 16th, 2011, 10:50 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
lets take the hocky riots in canada lately... are you suggesting the rioters should have been shot dead?
If members of the riot where starting to use deadly force then yes, their victims should have been able to reciprocate. Take this theoretical example, lets say a mob walk up to your front gate and the leader declares he is going to set fire to your house with your family inside. Do you have a right to shoot him dead and anyone else that is holding a torch?
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Old July 17th, 2011, 12:03 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Too40gawlf View Post
What's the retirement age in Greece and what is it being upped to?
Why is it being 'upped'?
Why cant someone retire at 35 y.o, why does someone have to tell him when to retire?

Answer those questions and we'll be ontrack to find out just exactly what the problems in Greece are.

I will have no compunction killing or advocating the killing of someone throwing a Molotov cocktail at me, my loved ones, or my colleagues. If a Molotov cocktial is not a deadly weapon, then what is, pray tell?

'Kids in America' will not be throwing molotov cocktails. If they are, they are no longer 'kids' but murdering lowlives. Same concept as if I was on patrol in a foreign nation and took rounds from a 12 year old with an AK. Its neither illegal or immoral for me to kill a 'kid' attempting to use a deadly weapon to do the same to me or mine.
It is currently 55, upped from 50 (still 50 if your career is hazardous) and the Greek government now plans to raise it to 63 by 2015.
Why didnt you know this being such a history lover?

Second, you shouldn't put yourself in a position to have Molotov's thrown at you. If you do, its your on fault (see Op's picture).

Your final paragraph reinforces to me what I had previously believed that you are or are close with an ex/current member of police/military and there's nothing I can do to cure you of your disease of blindly spewing to defend your militaristic views.

Anyhoo's, carry on.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 12:04 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Too40gawlf View Post
If members of the riot where starting to use deadly force then yes, their victims should have been able to reciprocate. Take this theoretical example, lets say a mob walk up to your front gate and the leader declares he is going to set fire to your house with your family inside. Do you have a right to shoot him dead and anyone else that is holding a torch?
As soon as they enter your property line to carry out their threats then yes.
However, your twisting the story.
When you put on a uniform and ride a motorcycle directly at a group of thousands of people who are obviously pissed, its your own damn fault. He essentially "approached their gates".
Hmmm should I walk into the lions mouth?
Or **** those are some sharp teeth maybe I shouldnt.

p.s. Alex, Im American and look, I can manage to not advocate the killing of everything that goes against my views.
Scumbags make the rest of the world hate us
And yes, I still find the OP's photo funny. Yes, I am "Chortling" at his stupidity which lead to his misfortune.
The guy took a Molotov to the head and walked away fine, whats there to be angry about? He has a story for his kids.
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Last futzed with by wtfh4xx; July 17th, 2011 at 10:31 PM.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 12:51 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by wtfh4xx View Post
When you put on a uniform and ride a motorcycle directly at a group of thousands of people who are obviously pissed, its your own damn fault. He essentially "approached their gates".
Hmmm should I walk into the lions mouth?
Or **** those are some sharp teeth maybe I shouldnt.
Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
Second, you shouldn't put yourself in a position to have Molotov's thrown at you. If you do, its your on fault (see Op's picture).
So you advocate for violence against law enforcement or anyone who's job it is to maintain order and prevent society as a whole from spiraling into total anarchy?

I'm sorry but that has to be the most blatantly ignorant thing I've heard. The presence of law enforcement is the only thing that keeps a group of rioters from developing a mob mentality and destroying everything in their path. The hockey riots are a perfect example of this. Once things reach that point, there is little chance of getting things back under control.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 12:57 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by RhinoJC View Post
So you advocate for violence against law enforcement or anyone who's job it is to maintain order and prevent society as a whole from spiraling into total anarchy?

I'm sorry but that has to be the most blatantly ignorant thing I've heard. The presence of law enforcement is the only thing that keeps a group of rioters from developing a mob mentality and destroying everything in their path. The hockey riots are a perfect example of this. Once things reach that point, there is little chance of getting things back under control.
this thread is completely out of control. people need to calm down.

no where in what he said was he advocating something. people seem to be taking a very strong "this or that" approach and apparently see no middle-ground.

are you saying that you believe all public demonstrations will ultimately turn violent without police/military intervention? i disagree with this viewpoint. i've seen many peaceful demonstrations that never had a glimmer of "developing a mob mentality and destroying everything in their path"
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Old July 17th, 2011, 01:54 PM   #50
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I never advocated for violence against law enforcement, wtf?
Seems like certain group of people's nerves are getting tingled.

The presence of law enforcement is the only thing that keeps a group of rioters from developing a mob mentality and destroying everything in their path.
From what I've seen law enforcement presence seems to incite mob mentality and riots.
The hockey riots are a joke, that was just a bunch of drunk people being retarded.
And what happened when police started trying to contain them? The people got even more pissed, started trashing MORE stuff, and consolidated into larger more violent groups in concentrated areas.

Many riots begin as peaceful demonstrations which the police then incite into mobs.
Do some research, its completely common for police to send undercover officers into peaceful demonstrations to start crap so they can intervene.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 03:40 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
When you put on a uniform and ride a motorcycle directly at a group of thousands of people who are obviously pissed, its your own damn fault. He essentially "approached their gates".
Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
Second, you shouldn't put yourself in a position to have Molotov's thrown at you. If you do, its your on fault (see Op's picture).
These are direct quotes from you aren't they?

A law enforcement officer's job is to protect people, that includes protecting people from themselves. IT IS THEIR JOB TO BE THERE, so by doing their job they get what they deserve, including having a molotov smashed over their helmet?

By stating that these people deserve to be hurt, you're implying that the protesters have the right to hurt them.

Please tell me how that's not advocating for violence against law enforcement.

Originally Posted by alex.s
are you saying that you believe all public demonstrations will ultimately turn violent without police/military intervention? i disagree with this viewpoint. i've seen many peaceful demonstrations that never had a glimmer of "developing a mob mentality and destroying everything in their path"
If the protesters are not appeased in one form or another, tension between the crowds will continue to escalate. Whether or not things turn violent depends on the personality types of the protesters. All it takes is one person in the crowd to have a violent outburst and a peaceful protest turns violent, which is where the mob mentality comes in. The presence of law enforcement is meant to dissuade people from becoming violent and if someone does become violent, they are there to remove the violent offender before the crowd develops the mob mentality.

I stated that law enforcement was the only thing there to keep a crowd from getting violent, not that all crowds are violent.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 03:52 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by RhinoJC View Post
I stated that law enforcement was the only thing there to keep a crowd from getting violent
what about "rationality"?
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Old July 17th, 2011, 04:08 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by RhinoJC
I stated that law enforcement was the only thing there to keep a crowd from getting violent
Originally Posted by alex.s View Post
what about "rationality"?
Try quoting the sentence in it's entirety.

Originally Posted by RhinoJC
I stated that law enforcement was the only thing there to keep a crowd from getting violent, not that all crowds are violent.
Originally Posted by RhinoJC
not that all crowds are violent.
This part obviously covers the rational groups, but I suspect that's why you specifically left it out.

For someone who's all about peace, love, and harmony, you sure do like to manipulate thing in an attempt to get a reaction.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 04:44 PM   #54
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Read y'all later. Gotta ride.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:17 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by RhinoJC View Post
A law enforcement officer's job is to protect people, that includes protecting people from themselves.
game over bro, game over...

This shits too much, the military/police member of our boards are way to obvious.
And yes, those are direct quotes from me, and I think you need some literacy classes to get the proper context.

Originally Posted by RhinoJC View Post
Were they forced to choose this occupation? No.
I dont care if its a job or not, you just shouldnt put yourself directly in such a position unless your prepared for the consequences.
I.E. maybe stop a good 40 ft back from the crowd instead of right in front.

Originally Posted by RhinoJC View Post
Please tell me how that's not advocating for violence against law enforcement.
I never said anyone "deserved to be hurt", I said they need to look into making better decisions.
Please tell me how that's advocating for violence against law enforcement.

Also, crowds without law enforcement presence typically self regulate.
I.E. Everyone knows that they are there to peacefully demonstrate, if someone becomes rowdy the crowd usually takes care of them.
Police arent needed to keep everyone safe, I've lived my life just fine without someone on my shoulder dictating everything I do.

I do love a good debate, I look forward to your legitimate thought out responses.
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Last futzed with by wtfh4xx; July 17th, 2011 at 10:34 PM.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:23 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by wtfh4xx View Post
This shits too much, the military/police member of our boards are way to obvious.
so are the ingrates.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:27 PM   #57
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plural of in·grate
Noun: An ungrateful person.

What the heck should I be grateful for?
Such terminology doesnt even have a place in this matter.
Cmon now kkim.

P.s. I dont want a response with anything along the lines of "DEFENDING MAH COUNTRIEZ/FREEDOMZ" mmkai?
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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:31 PM   #58
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you're entitled to your misguided opinion... I'm entitled to mine.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:34 PM   #59
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Lmao, way to set an example man.

you're entitled to your opinion... I'm entitled to mine.
Would have been much more appropriate.

I expected more from a senior member of the boards.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:35 PM   #60
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sorry, haven't read my senior member rulebook lately.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:40 PM   #61
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Then allow me to point you in its direction.

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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:43 PM   #62
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if you feel I'm guilty of an infraction, report it to Alex who will deal with it.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:48 PM   #63
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Just enjoying the debate as you did say you were not familiar with the rules.
We'll let it slide eh?
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Old July 17th, 2011, 05:49 PM   #64
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don't let it slide on my account. do what you feel is right.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 06:54 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
Originally Posted by RhinoJC
A law enforcement officer's job is to protect people, that includes protecting people from themselves.
game over bro, game over...

This shits too much, the military/police member of our boards are way to obvious.
My wife is military, I'm not. Even if I was a cop or a member of the military, how does that have any bearing on who won or lost an argument? Or how does it have any bearing in the discussion whatsoever?

Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
And yes, those are direct quotes from me, and I think you need some literacy classes to get the proper context.
I know how to read/write and I understand the meaning of words. The term you're looking for is comprehension.

Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
Originally Posted by RhinoJC
Were they forced to choose this occupation? No.
It honestly hurts my head to try and figure out how you can see this as a legitimate answer.

Are you trying to say they never should have been cops in the first place or that they should abandon their jobs when they are actually needed?

Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
Originally Posted by RhinoJC
Please tell me how that's not advocating for violence against law enforcement.
I never said anyone "deserved to be hurt", I said they need to look into making better decisions.
Please tell me how that's advocating for violence against law enforcement.
I've already explained it, but I will again if I must.

It was the cop's job to be where he was when he was attacked. By you stating he deserved to be attacked, you're telling the attacker that what they did was right. If you can't see the connection between the two, I can't help you.

Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
Also, crowds without law enforcement presence typically self regulate.
I.E. Everyone knows that they are there to peacefully demonstrate, if someone becomes rowdy the crowd usually takes care of them.
I take it the concept of a mob mentality is a completely foreign concept to you?

Herd Mentality

Herd mentality describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors, follow trends, and/or purchase items. Examples of the herd mentality include stock market trends, fashions in apparel, cars, taste in music, home décor, Vancouver Canucks 2011 Stanley Cup riot etc.
Basically, if one member of the crowd resorts to violence, chances are good the entire crowd will as well.

Originally Posted by wtfh4xx
Police arent needed to keep everyone safe, I've lived my life just fine without someone on my shoulder dictating everything I do.
This isn't seriously how you think is it? You think just because a cop hasn't pulled your butt out of the fire they're worthless? So how about we take every violent criminal who is currently incarcerated and release them into your community. How long do you think you would last then? I mean cops haven't done anything for you, so the release of these people obviously wouldn't have any affect on you right?
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Old July 17th, 2011, 07:09 PM   #66
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My wife is military, I'm not.
Precisely my point, it seems anyone related to military/police has this mental disposition.

The game over comment... catch up on your movies man... It came out in 1986
I wasnt claiming to win an argument lol.

It honestly hurts my head to try and figure out how you can see this as a legitimate answer.

Are you trying to say they never should have been cops in the first place or that they should abandon their jobs when they are actually needed?
Neither, why do you assume I am against anyone being a cop?
I simply said it was their choice to be a cop, thats all.
Everything else was stuff military members made up.

I've already explained it, but I will again if I must.

It was the cop's job to be where he was when he was attacked. By you stating he deserved to be attacked, you're telling the attacker that what they did was right. If you can't see the connection between the two, I can't help you.
I never said he deserved to be attacked, again made up stuff from military members who dont like my viewpoint.

I take it the concept of a mob mentality is a completely foreign concept to you?
I take it your resulting to personal attacks because I already rebuffed this point.
The majority holds sway, a largely peaceful crowd will remove violent members.
Mob mentality works in all ways including peacefulness.
Took a look outside your window, is there a raging mob because a policeman isnt on your corner? No.

Basically, if one member of the crowd resorts to violence, chances are good the entire crowd will as well.
Absolutely wrong.
But this is the standard viewpoint of oppressors as it gives them a reason to intervene.

This isn't seriously how you think is it? You think just because a cop hasn't pulled your butt out of the fire they're worthless? So how about we take every violent criminal who is currently incarcerated and release them into your community. How long do you think you would last then? I mean cops haven't done anything for you, so the release of these people obviously wouldn't have any affect on you right?
It is, and it just so happens that this does happen in my county.
All the crackheads, child molesters, and other criminals get dropped off near salt creek from as far south as San Jose.
How long do I think I will last? As long as I have so far and never has a law enforcement officer proved to be valuable.

Damn, you really couldnt have picked a worse example for your case lol.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 07:56 PM   #67
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Thumbs down


You talk like a foolish child.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 08:04 PM   #68
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To quote Kelly
you're entitled to your misguided opinion... I'm entitled to mine.
I'll take a wild guess that you as well are military/police or related.
And technically its typing, not talking.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 08:07 PM   #69
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Hey guys, I haven't had a chance to look back at this thread until now. Anyway I just thought this was a very powerful picture and posted it because it was semi-motorcycle related. I won't pretend to know or even care much about what is going on in Greece. But I wouldn't make light of the situation, and certainly not of the events going on in this picture.

Anyway, there is a video that goes with this image that shows what happens about 10 seconds before the picture was taken. I didn't post it before because it was removed from the source right after I watched it. However, I found it again and apparently it's much older than I thought. I'll let you watch it yourself and form your own opinions.

Try to keep the thread civil. kthx.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 08:11 PM   #70
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Watch it very closely, 0:37 youll see a fellow officer to the one in our picture run over a young individual with his motorcycle to which the crowd instantly reacts with petrol bombs and stones resulting in the OP's picture.
The guy taking the video yells bravo repeatedly, im guessing he was one of the demonstrators.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 08:30 PM   #71
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I wish all the liberal progressive Marxist freak shows would go create their own utopian country, undoubtably burn it to the ground, and leave all us normal people alone.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 08:32 PM   #72
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So how long before this thread gets closed?
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Old July 17th, 2011, 09:13 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by wtfh4xx View Post
game over bro, game over...

This shits too much, the military/police member of our boards are way to obvious.And yes, those are direct quotes from me, and I think you need some literacy classes to get the proper context.

Were they forced to choose this occupation? No.

I never said anyone "deserved to be hurt", I said they need to look into making better decisions.
Please tell me how that's advocating for violence against law enforcement.

Also, crowds without law enforcement presence typically self regulate.
I.E. Everyone knows that they are there to peacefully demonstrate, if someone becomes rowdy the crowd usually takes care of them.
Police arent needed to keep everyone safe, I've lived my life just fine without someone on my shoulder dictating everything I do.

I do love a good debate, I look forward to your legitimate thought out responses.
Hey Sweetheart, I'm former military...

Personally, I could give two flying copulations as to what you think of folks that wear/wore a uniform. I am not now or ever have been a cop. But perhaps one day, I will pursue that career path, I dont know. However, let me make it clear, if you or any of your ilk ever see it fit to give me what 'I deserve' for doing my job honorably, youre going to get more of a response than you bargained for.

And just because I know it'll chap your ass, this is how I spent part an afternoon today. Notice the hair? No one's mistaking me for a Greek protestor, lol.

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Old July 17th, 2011, 09:14 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by wtfh4xx View Post
To quote Kelly

I'll take a wild guess that you as well are military/police or related.
And technically its typing, not talking.
No, I'm 20 years old studying Industrial Engineering and working part time in sales.

I stand by my previous statement
If the Ninja 250 doesn't have enough power for you, then you don't know how to ride it.
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Old July 17th, 2011, 09:31 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by wtfh4xx View Post
Watch it very closely, 0:37 youll see a fellow officer to the one in our picture run over a young individual with his motorcycle to which the crowd instantly reacts with petrol bombs and stones resulting in the OP's picture.
The guy taking the video yells bravo repeatedly, im guessing he was one of the demonstrators.
You mean the "demonstrator" who can clearly be seen throwing something at the cop before he got his ass run down?
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Old July 17th, 2011, 09:34 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by CynicalC View Post
You mean the "demonstrator" who can clearly be seen throwing something at the cop before he got his ass run down?
quote from story

"Angry youths amidst the demonstrators ran toward private buildings and began to beat them with mallets, breaking off marble pieces of buildings and lime stone from sidewalks to hurl at the riot police."

Yep, sounds peaceful to me
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Old July 17th, 2011, 10:23 PM   #77
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Personally, I could give two flying copulations as to what you think of folks that wear/wore a uniform. I am not now or ever have been a cop. But perhaps one day, I will pursue that career path, I dont know. However, let me make it clear, if you or any of your ilk ever see it fit to give me what 'I deserve' for doing my job honorably, youre going to get more of a response than you bargained for.

And just because I know it'll chap your ass, this is how I spent part an afternoon today. Notice the hair? No one's mistaking me for a Greek protestor, lol.
Lol, where the hell are you guys getting this "What they deserve" stuff from?
Nor have I made any mention what I think of service men/women.

You think it would bug me that you spent an afternoon shooting an M4A1 with magpul goodies?
Looks like fun to me.


quote from story
"Angry youths amidst the demonstrators ran toward private buildings and began to beat them with mallets, breaking off marble pieces of buildings and lime stone from sidewalks to hurl at the riot police."

Yep, sounds peaceful to me
The complete text includes that it was a peaceful protest turned violent but did not specify when or why or how.

No, I'm 20 years old studying Industrial Engineering and working part time in sales.

I stand by my previous statement
Well that's a relief

Un-subbed from this so my inbox stops filling up.
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Old July 18th, 2011, 01:13 AM   #78
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Yeah, when ever my friends and I go have a peaceful demonstration we always make sure to bring with us weapons of destruction (i.e. molotovs, sledge hammers/mallets, rocks, etc.)-SARCASM

In regards to demonstrations/protests/riots, when does anyone have the right to resort to violence just because law enforcement is present? The answer you are looking for is NEVER!

Law enforcement was present to prevent those so called 'peaceful' demonstrators, who were carrying around weapons, from destroying property, hurting others, and endangering themselves.

I have never seen or ever heard of a 'peaceful' demonstration maintaining the peace while the demonstrators are carrying around weapons. Also, I have never ever seen or heard of any 'peaceful' demonstrators policing their own potentially violent members. One of two things usually happens when violence breaks out during a demonstration: 1) Those who are more about peace than violence usually get the heck out of dodge or 2) They simply support the violence either by participating themselves or ranting on those who are doing it.

The bottom line is that the issue with the officer being set on fire is no laughing matter and there is simply no justification for it.

You may find some of the members here, who are or were in law enforcement/military (myself included), a little more passionate about this because of their own experiences/first hand knowledge about the subject at hand. However, you don't need to be someone who has served in a selfless occupation to understand that there is nothing funny or right about someone getting hurt for trying to uphold the peace, which in this case just happens to be their job.
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