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Old April 20th, 2009, 09:37 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Buffalony View Post
Thats a nice and neat set. An intercom would be nice. guess you'll have to be on one really long call
Remember, most people underestimate the degree to which their hearing protects them from potential dangers within their immediate environment. And the problem goes beyond the fact that tightly fitting headphones prevent you from hearing ambient sounds. One can also become so immersed in the music that one becomes more profoundly isolated and distracted from what’s happening around you. When you have headphones on, your in a bubble of sound. Ride Safe. look around more.

These are cool too

Back to topic.I've been working non-stop.It sucks.

Take a look through here.
This is another of many threads going on right now on this topic, please read through it: There are alot like this! about headphones while driving. The vast majority of responses are polite and asking to please not do it. If you mention this on a motorcycle forum, be prepared for pitch I sure walked into this one with a cardboard turkey..

Quickly on another note:Thought this was fitting for this thread...At the moment I believe Canada is currently looking at banning portable playback devices in any vehicle. This is mainly because of the visual distraction. Though I guess it would hurt riders if LEOs spot wires going into your helmet or if your stopped and you cant get things hidden.Google it fer mo info. ..

I agree that it's tough to explain why headphones specifically earbuds are not as safe as a car stereo.This IS curently becoming a bigger issue around the world. You say you keep it low, I say... alot of people talk the talk. "turning it up for just one song wont hurt!" so on so forth. If I were a teen in this situation I'd definitly say screw that keeping it down Sh! Earbuds wernt as advanced then either. Some do keep it down, but...

Guys, Its really not about how loud it is, its about where its coming from. They screw with the whole ability to more quickly acknowledge where a given sound is coming from. On top of that it takes longer to get through the initial "did I hear something" phase. Because theres an absense of the whole subconciously known, "source of origin". (think i said that right) I know, I your saying "well the earbuds are known". thats not what I'm talking about. I'm sayin placing two small speakers, 3' infront of you, 1.5' below ear level, 1.5' apart Is waay different (or even one). You just know alot sooner if something is going on outside of that, and a heck of alot faster determining where it is coming from.
Read alittle of the links on sound masking in the wiki link and the last link, and think alittle about how likely it is to be taking place with a speaker directly in your ear.

I believe better understanding on the public debate aspect of headphone use in general, and this thread, can come from more research into Psycho-acoustics. imo

partial link for more into my last paragraph. About hearing and direction
Hearing and Direction:

Another good link.Masking paragraph is good.

If you want to know what I meant about a specfic phrase or sentence, post asking.
I'm a P-A forum member but I can't get your link to load. Anyway, most people recommend earplugs on a motorcycle to avoid hearing loss and many people have extremely loud exhausts that drown out any other sounds. That said, they make earplug headphones specifically FOR motorcycles specifically FOR blocking out other sounds! They are EXPENSIVE too (nearly $200). Obviously, for some, your hearing is important enough to sacrifice the safety advantage. I guess that safety advantage is somewhat less for those with louder exhausts and poor hearing (I have very poor hearing). Directional hearing is somewhat hampered by the helmet in the first place.

That said, earbuds are one thing, but the legality of having wires going into your helmet can't be disputed. Look at any motorcycle LEO: They have a wired helmet too! Motorcycle kits are primarily for communications also and mine doesn't require hands, unlike their police radios. Heck, many helmets, my GMAX GM58S included, have pockets right where your ears go specifically for in-helmet speakers. I stuffed them with tissue to get the speakers stuck on the outside closer to my ears (could barely hear them).

As far as banning portable media players in cars: Most car stereos with iPod interfaces can show the track data and remote-control the iPod so that the interface is irrelevant. Heck, the OEM ones have the connection in the glove box, so it can't possibly distract you. One with Bluetooth A2DP/AVRCP can wirelessly do the same, though I haven't seen track data passed on (I've read the A2DP specification documents and know that it is possible to implement). That said, I can't operate my iPhone with a gloved hand anyway, so all I can do is load up the maps app and hit the location button before I ride. The interface on the connected device is irrelevant if I can't interact beyond my vehicles standard controls (handlebar remote).
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Old April 20th, 2009, 11:49 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by CZroe View Post
I'm a P-A forum member but I can't get your link to load. Anyway, most people recommend earplugs on a motorcycle to avoid hearing loss and many people have extremely loud exhausts that drown out any other sounds. That said, they make earplug headphones specifically FOR motorcycles specifically FOR blocking out other sounds! They are EXPENSIVE too (nearly $200). Obviously, for some, your hearing is important enough to sacrifice the safety advantage. I guess that safety advantage is somewhat less for those with louder exhausts and poor hearing (I have very poor hearing). Directional hearing is somewhat hampered by the helmet in the first place.
the link should work.try again. or google the topic.
This is true. Yes they do make special headphones for motorcyclist.
heres a link:

Originally Posted by CZroe View Post
That said, earbuds are one thing, but the legality of having wires going into your helmet can't be disputed. Look at any motorcycle LEO: They have a wired helmet too! Motorcycle kits are primarily for communications also and mine doesn't require hands, unlike their police radios. Heck, many helmets, my GMAX GM58S included, have pockets right where your ears go specifically for in-helmet speakers. I stuffed them with tissue to get the speakers stuck on the outside closer to my ears (could barely hear them).
sorry u didnt follow me
I brought up the wires thing when talking about the canada and mp3 players thing. was just saying watch out to those guys if the bs law passes. Cause the wire might trigger a LEO.

I'm sure the leos are well within their state regulation. Check with your local laws and regulations on this one. In some places you are limited to a single speaker. Check to see if your in regulation like those LEOs
This might not be updated so check with your local DMV:

Originally Posted by CZroe View Post
As far as banning portable media players in cars: Most car stereos with iPod interfaces can show the track data and remote-control the iPod so that the interface is irrelevant. Heck, the OEM ones have the connection in the glove box, so it can't possibly distract you. One with Bluetooth A2DP/AVRCP can wirelessly do the same, though I haven't seen track data passed on (I've read the A2DP specification documents and know that it is possible to implement). That said, I can't operate my iPhone with a gloved hand anyway, so all I can do is load up the maps app and hit the location button before I ride. The interface on the connected device is irrelevant if I can't interact beyond my vehicles standard controls (handlebar remote).
Yeah setting up a playlist prior to driving was a big thing being pushed on this. They did mention that alot of newer vehicles are capable of interfacing with the devices like you said, through the built in stereo. The main concern is flipping through your music while driving. Controls on the stereo are supposed to be more operator friendly compared to the menus on the music players! I had a BT stereo headset that transmitted track data to a little screen on the side of one of the earpieces. It was kinda funny they even made it do that, cause I'd have to look in a mirror in order to read it backwards Great headset otherwise

They did mention. Alot of newer cars are equipt with systems that sync with cell phones in fabulous ways,like fords n-sync, etc. They recommended it.

Oh! Now theres a commotion about being on a conversation period!! So if they ban talking on the phone altogether, that these car manufactures that have invested in the technology are basically going to take a loss. I don't know if the numbers are significant enough, but I don't think theyre going to look at the money over lifes lost. All they need to pass that one are numbers. As of right now the only thing I've seen is a study that says having a phone conversation while driving is the equivelent of being inebriated!!! What is this comming to? Soon it will be illegal to talk to your passengers while driving, then illegal to have passengers (unless on a motorcycle doing over 50MPH)
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Old April 20th, 2009, 12:06 PM   #43
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Yeah, it loads now but it was giving me a database error 500 or just not loading earlier (other threads loded fine even when the URL was formatted the same way). I already posted in it.

As far as I am concerned, the muffler, wind, and road, noise combined with your helmet completely covering your head already seriously inhibit your ability to hear traffic sounds and determine where they are coming from, so you must be more visually aware than other vehicles... especially considering that you must pretend to be invisible! I've honked my little horn at a car for miles and had them completely oblivious to it (FINALLY heard it miles later), so all the wind seals and vibration dampeners in cars trying to quiet external and engine noises are at least an equal concern. Comparitively, speakers in a helmet aren't that bad. Heck, if anything, I'd be concerned that they would cause more riders to pass on earplugs.

I bookmarked that "laws by state" list you linked to but I really wish I could find the source of their info. I've read the GA motorcycle manuals (old and updated) and spent days looking at motorcycle laws and never saw a "no music" law. Hell, they sell as many touring bikes with stereos as any place.

Last futzed with by CZroe; April 20th, 2009 at 05:06 PM.
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Old April 20th, 2009, 02:38 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by CZroe View Post
Yeah, it loads now but it was giving me a database error 500 or just not loading earlier (other threads loded fine even when the URL was formatted the same way). I already posted in it.

As far as I am concerned, the muffler, wind, and road, noise combined with your helmet completely covering your head already seriously inhibit your ability to hear traffic sounds and determine where they are coming from, so you must be more visually aware than other vehicles... especially considering that you must pretend to be invisible! I've honked my little horn at a car for miles and had them completely oblivious to it (FINALLY heard it miles later), so all the wind seals and vibration dampeners in cars trying to quiet external and engine noises are at least an equal concern. Comparitively, speakers in a helmet aren't that bad. Heck, if anything, I'd be concerned that they would cause more riders to pass on earplugs.
Don't know if you meant earplugs or earbuds.

lets not overly mix shooting around town with straight highway riding. Ya know? Sure we end up in mixed situations, but we like to be prepared right? We cyclist generally know if we are going on a long haul or just flying around the corner a few times. I know Im thinking about the ride as I'm gearing up

I agree with an in helmet set that does not press against the ear. Some of the states that allow two ear sets actually go the length to state this in the regulation(ran into it earlier,not looking it up). With that set up I'd ride on populated streets at lower volumes without plugs and use plugs for highways (all this considering a lower db pipe).

If I'm on the streets I don't bother too much with plugs. Theres more left and right going on and its really when you need a faster phase difference between each ear more often to determine left and right and be able to deal with it quickly.

On the Highyway I'm all about plugs. I'd like to try a helmet skirt because I don't think I have a prob with road noise. Its the wind that kills me.
On the highway its more hearing Front, and behind all which is determined by the back edge of the ear lobe [Edit:Apparently not all can determine if a sound is coming from front or behind them either!] (height is also determined by the lobe). So while the ear plugs do lower the ears ability to receive ambient sounds sooner the lobes will tell you its behind you. smushed ears dont help here.. ya know

A fullface doesnt have a very big impact on dampening sounds. The inside of the helmet doesnt do any reflecting to confuse the ear either. Put your helmet on and snap you fingers all around from front to back I wont tell You'll notice its not really having the serious effects you suggest

Considering new song mixing and mastering techniques, ever increasing build quality, more buds with isolation and built in noise cancelation are becoming avail. all of the above increasing fidelity (yes ,more detailed frequecies at wider bands, increasing the 3d soundstage while helping to further mask more of whats going on outside the music), earbuds and headphones can really confuse the ears while driving any vehicle.
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Old April 20th, 2009, 05:28 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Buffalony View Post
Don't know if you meant earplugs or earbuds.
Actually, I brought up both as well as in-ear buds and combination buds/plugs. Earbuds and in-ear buds are different enough (I can't even fit normal earbuds), though there are some in-ear types meant to block other outside sounds specifically for motorcyclists... saw them for about $200 in the back of a dealer's 2007 catalog.

Originally Posted by Buffalony View Post
lets not overly mix shooting around town with straight highway riding. Ya know? Sure we end up in mixed situations, but we like to be prepared right? We cyclist generally know if we are going on a long haul or just flying around the corner a few times. I know Im thinking about the ride as I'm gearing up
Yeah, but my crappy helmet deafeningly whistles in my ears even on my 10 minute rides to work (it's why I have a wind skirt too ). If I didn't have it, I'd need earplugs.

Originally Posted by Buffalony View Post
I agree with an in helmet set that does not press against the ear. Some of the states that allow two ear sets actually go the length to state this in the regulation(ran into it earlier,not looking it up). With that set up I'd ride on populated streets at lower volumes without plugs and use plugs for highways (all this considering a lower db pipe).
My hearing loss was so bad as a child that I wouldn't dare get a louder-than-stock exhaust. I mean, at 28, it's much worse already and I think the last several months of riding have already worsened it. I would have worn ear-plugs if I didn't have my Parrot kit.

Originally Posted by Buffalony View Post
If I'm on the streets I don't bother too much with plugs. Theres more left and right going on and its really when you need a faster phase difference between each ear more often to determine left and right and be able to deal with it quickly.

On the Highyway I'm all about plugs. I'd like to try a helmet skirt because I don't think I have a prob with road noise. Its the wind that kills me.
On the highway its more hearing Front, and behind all which is determined by the back edge of the ear lobe [Edit:Apparently not all can determine if a sound is coming from front or behind them either!] (height is also determined by the lobe). So while the ear plugs do lower the ears ability to receive ambient sounds sooner the lobes will tell you its behind you. smushed ears dont help here.. ya know
My ears look normal but they are somehow shaped differently... to the point where earbuds do not fit at all. It infuriates me that, say, Apple make proprietary buds for the iPhone and new iPod Shuffle and yet doesn't have an alternative available for me (controls and Mic are on the right bud; I don't think there is a mic on the older $80 in-ear buds that they sell). It's not just me either. My twin brother can't use buds either. Even the companies selling the ear-hooks act like they are just for joggers or the people being active by insinuating that they are "fine" when sitting still (WRONG!). They also raise the in-line remote so you can't properly use it. The in-line adapters that give you the buttons and mic for standard headphones do not have the same noise-reducing mic. I guess I'm just screwed there.

Originally Posted by Buffalony View Post
A fullface doesnt have a very big impact on dampening sounds. The inside of the helmet doesnt do any reflecting to confuse the ear either. Put your helmet on and snap you fingers all around from front to back I wont tell You'll notice its not really having the serious effects you suggest
I think I'm one of "those people" who can't tell. My hearing has been bad since childhood and I probably didn't develop the same spatial associations as others.

Originally Posted by Buffalony View Post
Considering new song mixing and mastering techniques, ever increasing build quality, more buds with isolation and built in noise cancelation are becoming avail. all of the above increasing fidelity (yes ,more detailed frequecies at wider bands, increasing the 3d soundstage while helping to further mask more of whats going on outside the music), earbuds and headphones can really confuse the ears while driving any vehicle.
Agreed. What REALLY gets me, even in a car, are the stupid radio commercials playing siren and horn-honking sound effects. They know full well that most listeners are in cars! There should be some FCC mandate or something. At least I always recognize that Pink Floyd song after the first blip.
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Old April 21st, 2009, 03:24 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by CZroe View Post
Agreed. What REALLY gets me, even in a car, are the stupid radio commercials playing siren and horn-honking sound effects. They know full well that most listeners are in cars! There should be some FCC mandate or something. At least I always recognize that Pink Floyd song after the first blip.
LOL. Yeah did you notice that the lower the volume the more realistic it seems. I understand what your saying about your spatial recognition, that sucks and sorry. You still should protect them. You can pick up earplugs at convienent stores.
I have the same problem with regular earbuds to. Put them in, they fall out. I eventually found a pair that doesnt fall out easily. I also found something that helps me use any pair.

BTW: I love SD. Good people
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Old April 23rd, 2009, 04:33 AM   #47
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I'm still really a GA guy. Only been here a few months. I've always wanted to visit NY myself but it's much too cold for me to consider living in.
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Old April 23rd, 2009, 06:33 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by CZroe View Post
I'm still really a GA guy. Only been here a few months. I've always wanted to visit NY myself but it's much too cold for me to consider living in.
Yeah the cold SUCKSss.. This State is beautiful in the summer and fall. Its real nice along the lakes in the summer, with alot to do. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, and NYC are definitly places to visit when its nice out
We might get a handfull of wonderful winter days. But thats it. I'm pretty fed up with the cold myself. I left my heart in San Diego Some day...some Day
Definitly worth a visit up here. Great fishing all over .
Never been to GA. Whats good down there? I'd like to visit ATL
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 01:48 AM   #49
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These don't appear to have an input or a radio, but perhaps it is an option for some?

How loud is 1.5W?
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Old May 3rd, 2009, 06:31 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by CZroe View Post
These don't appear to have an input or a radio, but perhaps it is an option for some?

How loud is 1.5W?

Probably couldnt hear that thing on a busy street while riding a bicycle
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Old June 9th, 2009, 11:47 PM   #51
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I would like to have dual speakers on my bike and I have heard that Now we can also install Television on the bikes!!
Isn't it cool??
brad pitt
bluetooth motorcycle intercom
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Old June 10th, 2009, 09:37 AM   #52
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Sure. Or you can just save yourself a few bucks and use earbuds while watching your TV. I'm sure you'll be able to hear it better.
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Old June 10th, 2009, 02:22 PM   #53
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Buffalo New york.....what a terrible place to live.
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Old June 10th, 2009, 09:37 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Rocketman View Post
Buffalo New york.....what a terrible place to live.
Whys that? Maybe you should start a new thread regarding.

Last futzed with by Buffalony; June 11th, 2009 at 01:23 AM.
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Old June 11th, 2009, 03:25 PM   #55
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How clear is the sound from the speakers over the exhaust?
If I were to roll pass some people, would they be able to hear the music?

Oh yes...Buffalony, where did you end up placing yours?
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Old June 12th, 2009, 12:52 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by i916it View Post
How clear is the sound from the speakers over the exhaust?
If I were to roll pass some people, would they be able to hear the music?

Oh yes...Buffalony, where did you end up placing yours?
The sound is clean and clear over a stock exhaust at any volume.
The statement on their site about hearing them over a harley with open pipes doing 85 is not a gimmick. That shouldnt go without saying the riders ears are ahead of their pipes. The speakers can be pretty loud in their little direction and right in front though. I dont need to turn the volume all the way up to hear them.
I say compared to a car with their radio on at a reasonable volume an windows down, at the same listener volume the the car radio would be louder. I think people behind the rider would probably get as much or more sound from a stock exhaust or what ever gets past their windshield. Cars over your shoulders would hear them the most but this can be curved quite abit by angling the speakers up alittle as what I did. It really comes down to the way their mounted. If you mount the speakers right you can make it real easy to get in and out of the music based on your position.

The speakers are directional. Basically the sound eminates outward like a cone where you point them. The further outside of the cone the less you hear. If your outside of their direction there is a noticable decrease in their volume. Its fairly easy to get them at a volume you can hear from the front of your little space without disturbing anyone outside of that space.

At first I had them temporarly mounted on the bars which was easy to do considering they come with the bar mirror mounts. But I didnt care for the look.
Now I have them mounted to the inner fairing in the nook next to the gauges.
The speakers have two built in mounting holes but I didnt want to drill holes in such an expensive part of the bike. I like to be able to bring my bike back to stock even if I never really do Plus they wouldnt be adjustable.

I did some searching and instead of Industrial Velcro I ended up chosing Marine Grade Dual Loc by 3M so they dont come off easily yet still remain adjustable. The Amp was mounted inside the fairing and the pwr/volume control box at the top of the left bar.Both with Dual lock. I use my phone as an MP3 player/GPS navigation (though I wish it could do both!!). I bought one of those belt clip phone holders and Dual locked that down to the bike to I love it though. When I get on to ride I pop on my phone, connect the headphone jack, and go

I'll get some pics up sometime in the future to follow this up.
Im going on the NE group ride soon to. Ill see if I can get some of those riders to throw down their opinions here later on as well.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 05:21 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Rocketman View Post
Buffalo New york.....what a terrible place to live.
I'm sure it not as worst as ontario.
NY is a great place to live.
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Old June 12th, 2009, 07:41 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Buffalony View Post
I'll get some pics up sometime in the future to follow this up
Coool, thanks for the review.
I'm waiting on them pics.
which will probably be the deciding factor, cause I don't know where I want to mount them.
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Old June 13th, 2009, 02:15 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by tinng321 View Post
I'm sure it not as worst as ontario.
NY is a great place to live.
I was waiting for a response to that. Depending what he means, I might have to agree. The government in NY is screwed up in general.

Originally Posted by i916it View Post
Coool, thanks for the review.
I'm waiting on them pics.
which will probably be the deciding factor, cause I don't know where I want to mount them.
No problem. I'll try an get some pics up later this week. The bikes at the shop right now til tues or so.

Like I said I had them mounted at the levers for a couple days and that served its purpose but doesnt look so hot There might also be a better way to mount them than I did I couldnt think of any other way.
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Old June 14th, 2009, 06:12 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by tinng321 View Post
I'm sure it not as worst as ontario.
NY is a great place to live.

Link to original page on YouTube.

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Old June 14th, 2009, 08:53 AM   #61
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Back OT...

The only music I need is the sound of an engine, and the sweeter the song the better. I don't need a soundtrack to go along with it.

Riding takes your mind off of things and is very therapeutic. Music takes your mind off of riding. It is a distraction. Perhaps an enjoyable distraction, but a distraction nevertheless. If you're paying attention to music you are by definition not paying attention to riding and your surroundings.

Focusing on the perfect line...getting the most out of the machine...digging the scenery...being one with the bike and totally IN THE MOMENT...

The more of your finite stock of attention and mental energy you can devote to these things, the more rewarding the ride will be.

IMHO. Just my $0.02.

I don't know about all of you, but I'm so over-stimulated and bombarded by media ALL THE FRAKKIN' TIME (including neighbors who do not understand what 'peace and quiet' means) that I need a break to maintain my sanity and reconnect with the real world from time to time.

BTW... I love music -- I play bass in a gigging band and music is a very big part of my life -- but I've found that stepping away from it makes it all the better when I do immerse myself in it.
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Old June 19th, 2009, 02:44 AM   #62
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I can see why that works for you and most recreational riders, but my bike is my only transportation. That means it gets ridden more for utility than relaxation. I'd be spending an awful lot of time away from media if I didn't find some way to make it work. I have no time for TV, radio, etc elsewhere. I can pretty much only browse the intar-weber-net-tubez at work. Besides, something can certainly be said for having radio traffic reports and GPS prompts when you commute, so it's easy to see how isolating yourself from some media can cause MORE frustration, especially if you don't live in "lane-splitting" CA (only state where it's legal/tolerated).
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Old June 19th, 2009, 07:11 AM   #63
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This brings to mind another task, cutting the grass.

Most men mow the lawn. Most women cut the grass.

Some, very few, men cut the grass.

Just as few women mow the lawn.

If you don't understand, you're probably a grass cutter, not a lawn mower.

(hint: grass cutting is a chore. Lawn mowing is a task that is inherrently singular in nature, you can shut out the world, turn your body over to autopilot and good physical labor, think about what you want to think about (usually solving job, world, and family problems), and just live in the moment without any care or pressure.

To me, a radio/music on a bike is a similar issue.

Are you getting from A to B, or are you living in the moment? I guess the answer depends on where, how, and why you ride.

Thankfully, we don't all like or want the same things.

Otherwise, the lines would be long and life would be boring.
* If you're arguing with some idiot over the internet, chances are pretty good he's doing the same thing!
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Old June 19th, 2009, 07:29 AM   #64
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Here's an inspiration for ya. Go for it bro.
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Old June 19th, 2009, 07:36 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by tinng321 View Post

Here's an inspiration for ya. Go for it bro.
Attachment 2486
I like the under thigh speakers! Reminds me of a harley that my wife and I rented in Vegas last year. I would get to third gear, wind it out, and she would yell at me "Don't shift, don't shift"!
* If you're arguing with some idiot over the internet, chances are pretty good he's doing the same thing!
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Old July 15th, 2009, 02:12 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Banzai View Post
To me, a radio/music on a bike is a similar issue.

Are you getting from A to B, or are you living in the moment? I guess the answer depends on where, how, and why you ride.

Thankfully, we don't all like or want the same things.

Otherwise, the lines would be long and life would be boring.
Well said.
Long straight highways are alot better now.

Thanks for the replys everyone. Pics to come.
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Old July 16th, 2009, 06:08 AM   #67
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Iphone w/3.0 software = wirelessly play music via ADP2 Bluetooth + Chatterbox = win.
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Old July 18th, 2009, 04:31 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by dpinside View Post
Iphone w/3.0 software = wirelessly play music via ADP2 Bluetooth + Chatterbox = win.
I'm using iPhone OS 3.0 with my iPhone 3G and Parrot SK4000 helmet kit and have been since Beta 4. FWIW, the original iPhone still needs an A2DP adapter. Anyone want to buy mine?
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Old August 9th, 2009, 07:12 PM   #69
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Sorry but this is the way I roll. And this sounds great with a set of Bose earbuds.
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IF your NOT the lead dog ...... the view NEVER Changes.

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Old August 9th, 2009, 07:49 PM   #70
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I just got my bike a week ago today.

Yesterday I took my first long ride. 425 miles, from the coast of Connecticut up to central Vermont and back. Lots of beautiful, twisty mountain roads.

It was a totally analog experience. No computers, no email, no phone, no Bluetooth, no wifi, no radio, no mp3s, no CDs....

... just the sound of the wind, the engine and tires on pavement.

It felt FANTASTIC to unplug for a few hours.

Just my $0.02.
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Old August 9th, 2009, 11:08 PM   #71
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ugh just get helmet speakers

There, I picked them up, I hear them going 80+, why on earth would you install exterior speakers on a bike?
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Old August 10th, 2009, 08:11 AM   #72
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The sound of the bike motor is ok ... but gets boring after awhile.... and I am a music lover the Sirius Radio is perfect for my needs. Long trips are great !
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Old September 1st, 2009, 11:37 AM   #73
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I like, I've been wanting to do this for a while now, I look forward to your DIY
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Old September 1st, 2009, 12:22 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by rustler753 View Post
ugh just get helmet speakers

There, I picked them up, I hear them going 80+, why on earth would you install exterior speakers on a bike?
but these don't block out sound right ? I don't see the point of wearing ear plugs and have helmet speakers when you can just wear earbuds. I just put the wires up my jacket and into my helmet no one will see it.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 01:59 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by andrewexd View Post
but these don't block out sound right ? I don't see the point of wearing ear plugs and have helmet speakers when you can just wear earbuds. I just put the wires up my jacket and into my helmet no one will see it.
I can't "just wear earbuds." I'd never get my helmet on with them still inside my ears. I can't even sit still with em! It bugs me to no end that it has become "OK" to include them with personal audio players these days when they do not everyone's ears. I mean, I know I'm not the only one... They don't fit my twin brother either.

In-ear earbuds may work, but thanks to Apple and others building in volume controls, mic's, and multi-function buttons, it still isn't a solution (their official in-ear earbuds with the volume/MF button doesn't have the mic my iPhone needs). Parrot SK4000 makes up for it and adds DSP wind reduction designed for motorbikes to boot.
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Old September 18th, 2009, 02:21 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by demp View Post
I like, I've been wanting to do this for a while now, I look forward to your DIY
Hang in there demp, I had the bike in pieces an business kicked up at work recently. So everythings been off the bike (Nekid) for weeks now. working 70+ hours Ive barely been able to do much of anything including getting on the forums. Plus I still have to get back in at the carbs to reshim and now past due for another chain adjustment. soon enough.

Originally Posted by CZroe View Post
I can't "just wear earbuds." I'd never get my helmet on with them still inside my ears. I can't even sit still with em! It bugs me to no end that it has become "OK" to include them with personal audio players these days when they do not everyone's ears. I mean, I know I'm not the only one... They don't fit my twin brother either.

In-ear earbuds may work, but thanks to Apple and others building in volume controls, mic's, and multi-function buttons, it still isn't a solution (their official in-ear earbuds with the volume/MF button doesn't have the mic my iPhone needs). Parrot SK4000 makes up for it and adds DSP wind reduction designed for motorbikes to boot.
Me too. Ive always had some sorta problem with buds. Wind reduction sounds pretty cool though (sounds like regular outside noise reduction tech to me ). One could also use a helmet skirt to reduce or eliminate wind noise without interfering much with surrounding traffic sound. thanks for posting ur comments and opinions guys. keep em coming.
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Old October 18th, 2009, 08:55 PM   #77
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Here ya go...

Link to original page on YouTube.

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Old October 18th, 2009, 11:41 PM   #78
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Anyone know what the cushioning things are called on studio monitor headphone? I want to buy some to try to make an earmuffspeaker out of my helmet speakers. The whistle and wind noise of my cheap helmet are making me deaf (I have always been hard of hearing). Unfortunately, earplugs will interfere with my Blleutooth stereo.
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Old October 18th, 2009, 11:48 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by CRXTrek View Post
Interesting. I've been thinging about some lights on the helmet (like the GMAX 68S) but having them in sync with the music so people know that you aren't ignoring them when you are listening privately in your helmet. I'n not sure it it would be the right kind of attention getting if it distracts the driver behind you and they run into you.

Those gimmicky T-shirts with EL lighting built in and an audio jack look like they can be cut up and modified easily enough.
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Old October 19th, 2009, 02:15 PM   #80
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Thanks Steve! Thats alittle f-ing
I definitly dont fit into that category of riders."show offs"
at least theres some green on that monstrosity.
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