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Old December 7th, 2023, 07:23 PM   #1
How2 member
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Beg, Borrow, Steal - 42 & 43 rear sprocket


Does any one in the SF Bay area have one or both of these used sprockets I can try to see which one to settle in on?

The 15/45 is pretty useless both commute and tight technical twisty stuff

Am in the SF bay area and would be willing to drive up, borrow and return.

There's lunch on the table if I can do a quick test to see what ratio to settle in on for a purchase.


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Old December 7th, 2023, 07:47 PM   #2
Triple Jim
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Just for reference, JT has 42 and 43 rear sprockets, and places like Amazon have them for about $25 or so. I doubt if you'll notice much difference between 42 and 43 though. Just pick one.
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Old December 8th, 2023, 11:57 AM   #3
Mohawk guru
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Just go to gearing commander & plug in your numbers. My guess is you find stock gearing to low, but do you rev the bike ? I've seen so many people on various forums who want to ride with Harley revs on a bike with 13Krpm redline, just twist the right wrist.

Last futzed with by Mohawk; December 9th, 2023 at 02:09 PM.
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