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Old February 11th, 2010, 11:17 AM   #1
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Working out/Gym Help.

So i'm a fairly small guy. I at 5'6 and weight 127.
I'm not trying to get all built up like some ufc fighter. But I would like to get some muscle on me of course maybe get a little bit bigger.
I've been going to 24 hour fitess for about a month now and i can see a difference already. ive gained 5 pounds since i started working out(not sure if thats a good amount or not)

Now my only problem is that, i seem to have a really fast metabolism..a little too fast if you ask me, I can eat more then most people, but i just dont seem to gain ANY weight. Do you guys think that'll have a impact in me gaining some muscle. Sometimes i feel like i am burning off too many calorties for me to gain any muscle. Right when i began going to the gym i saw a difference right away, but now it sems like im not improving at all.

I got monday-thursday, and on saturdays for about 2 hours a day.
I start by running for 3 miles on treadmill, then continue with the weight machines for the remaining hour and a half.

I work on pretty much whole body. biceps, triceps, chest, shoulders, abs, and legs of course.

I am still fairly new to all this, so im not to knowledgeable when it comes to the whole calories and diet deal, i did some research but still would like to learn some more. I'm just a little guy trying to get some muscle on me lol. Anyone have any tips that could possibly help me?
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Old February 11th, 2010, 11:33 AM   #2
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increase protein intake go to GNC check out their stuff.
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Old February 11th, 2010, 11:43 AM   #3
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I have the same problem as you. I used to work out all the time when I was in high school, but I could never really gain any muscle mass, I was toned though, but still kinda scrawny. I think you have to start eating more than you could ever imagine if you want to get bigger. Start keeping track of what your eating, and see just how many calories you are putting away. I think you need to be eating like 4k calories of protein rich food a day if you want to bulk up. Don't too much running as that will only help burn all those calories that you are eating, and you don't want that.
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Old February 11th, 2010, 12:10 PM   #4
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Your problem is the treadmill. Maybe 5 mins to warm up, but your just burning calories and you expect to gain weight? There's a time for everything, but for your goals you can't really do them at the same time, especially in your case.
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Old February 11th, 2010, 12:16 PM   #5
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Goto GNC get some 100% whey protein (vannila tastes pretty good, GNC brand) take 1 serving 2 hours before your workout and right after. Get a good multi-vitaman and take it daily. Drink lots of water. Change your muscle building workouts to every other day. Run on the other days if you please. (for cardio) Eat protein rich foods. Steak, chicken etc. Protein build muscle.

Just my thoughts. The above has worked well for me.

If you want to really spend the bucks and bulk up get some creatine and take as recomended. (not required) Works awesome - costs ALOT
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Old February 11th, 2010, 12:29 PM   #6
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ah wow, thanks a lot for the information. Yea, i was thinking about the running..and i did feel like i was burning off a lot of calories. So not so much running, got it. Someone did mention to me that I shouldn't go every day to the gym, wasnt sure if it was right tho. I tried doing for for about a week but felt like i needed to go back to my old routine.

question about the vitamins and calorie items. Now my only fear of those, is that i dont want to end up messing up my metabolism or getting too big etc. Ive seen friends that wanted to get a little bigger try some things and at first it seems like its working pretty good. But then if they do it the wrong way they just end up getting fat lol =/.

thanks again.
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Old February 11th, 2010, 12:30 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by DEXSPEED View Post
increase protein intake go to GNC check out their stuff.
+1 Get some "Whey" protien powder. It is easily digested
I also think that working out 5 times a week is too much and does not give your muscles enough time to rest and recover. This may be why you have stopped gaining muscle mass. I recomend working out no more than 3 times a week and continue running before each work out.
Learn to listen to your body. It will tell you when it needs rest and when it is ready for a tougher work out.
To get lean and ripped do more reps per set - 12 or more with lighter weights.
To build muscle mass do less reps per set - 6 to 10 with heavier weights.

Good luck.
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Old February 11th, 2010, 12:39 PM   #8
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Good information can be found with Bill Phillips' book "Body For Life". He has done wonders with people following what can be found in that book. Of course when he wrote it, he was still CEO of EAS, so there will be several recommendations for those products. I have used them in the past and had decent results with them.

I am almost 6', and back in the day I weighed 130#. I started working out and taking a few EAS products (protein and Phosphagen HP), and I shot up to 145...and I was rather cut too. Now I've gotten married I have been between 170 and 180. I am working to drop my weight back to around 160, except with more muscle.

Just take it slow and steady and do your best not to over train.

#1 rule of exercise, listen to your body. The no pain no gain saying can be thrown out the window. If you sense pain, stop. Maybe try reducing the weight. Form, form, form, form. I was injured and out for 6 months because of a shoulder injury I caused by bad lifting. I was trying to rush progress too much and paid the price.
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Old February 11th, 2010, 09:20 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by hybridxx View Post
So i'm a fairly small guy. I at 5'6 and weight 127.
I'm not trying to get all built up like some ufc fighter. But I would like to get some muscle on me of course maybe get a little bit bigger.
LOL this is how I started I'm 240lbs (5'11) and I'm working on getting bigger. Beware the iron addiction!

Now...onto the basics. Protein. Lots of it. Ensure there's always protein in your meal...preferably red meat, but really anything will do. Also, if you're not doing so already, start supplementing with the shakes. Find a decent quality protein. Try not to cheap out too much. I recommend the Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard whey. Good stuff...not too much money. I've also used the Ultimate Nutrition Prostar weight. It tastes better but it's not as good I think. The EAS stuff is good as well, but I'd rank it below the two I've already mention. It IS cheaper in price, however. The goal is to try and get as much protein in your system as possible. At least 1g of protein per pound of body total.

Nutrition is the keystone of development in the weight game. If you're not growing enough, or if you're getting too fat...your diet's at fault.

Now...onto lifting. The big 3 lifts are the deadlift, squat and bench press. Learn them...learn how to do them properly...get strong on them. Make sure you do your isolation work as well. Biceps, triceps, shoulders, etc....but your primary focus is to get strong as hell on the main 3 core lifts. When you're deadlifting 400 or 500 will look it.

Then, finally, there's recovery. Make sure you sleep a lot. Eat a lot. Rest a lot. The stuff you do in the gym is wasted unless you're eating enough food, and resting adequately. Learn how to read your body as well. Being able to adjust your workout on the fly based on how you feel that day is what separates success and failure. Forcing yourself to do things, or to lift a certain amount of weight because that's what you've "scheduled" is a good way to get injured.

Then there's the reading material. There's a BAZILLION sites on the internet dedicated to bodybuilding. I'm almost reluctant to recommend them to you because there's almost too much info on them. There's is a fairly hardcore site. There's also, as far as I can tell, is full of douchebags. Please, please stick to the basics.

There is however this site: If you're gonna read a site, read that one. Dave Tate is super knowledgeable and strong as hell. He's also built like some kind of small, mobile, walking building. It's got the least amount of nonsensical BS on it.

*gasps for air* Ok....i need water.
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Old February 11th, 2010, 09:35 PM   #10
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for Snakes advice to you. I used to coach cyclist that wanted to do 100 mile bike rides and it takes a lot more than just riding. What you are most likely encountering is 1) your increased muscle mass (that 5+ pounds) has got your internal engine cranked up and you are burning more calories than before, even when you are at rest. 2) If you are doing the same exercises in the same sequence using the same reps your body will slow down and the gains will be very small.

Remember that the process of increasing muscle mass occurs when the body is repairing the muscle that you just stressed and caused some "damage" to. That's why only working out every other day and alternating muscle groups will get you further down the road than being an everyday gym rat doing the same thing. Try mixing things up between muscle groups and use different machines.

Keep up the treadmill work or something else for improving your cardiovascular system. Your new muscles need good blood flow with lots of O2. A good off day activity is swimming. Once you get comfortable with it you will find it very relaxing. A couple of years ago I'd get up early and go swimming before going to work - knocking off 750 yds of back stroke got to be a very relaxing swim and got me ready for a busy day. If you are not a swimmer look into Terry Laughlin - a great program that myself and several friends have used to go from nothing to more than competent.

One final thought that Snake touched on. Fewer reps and more weight. There was a program I used about 8 years ago (forget the name) that focused on that concept and almost urged isometrics instead of weights. Using the concept of only 6-8 reps at high weights my work on the hip sled was very dramatic - 3 sets of 12 at 200 to 250 went to doing 3 sets of 6 with the last set in the 600+. It got to be fun when I would split sets with some young guys on the sled. We were only doing three reps each and at about 400 or 500 pounds they would start looking at this "old fart". One dropped out when the other guy and I hit 800 and just started laughing. That was a fun day.

Just like riding you need to be safe and smart. Don't do more than you and your body can handle and work up to different weights. If you are using free weights instead of machines work with somebody so you have a spotter.

Let us know how it goes.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 12:51 PM   #11
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Don't confuse size with strength.

If you want to get bigger there are supplements. If you want to get stronger you don't need anything but working out.

I have worked out at a gym for most of my life. I've used supplements and I have worked out without them. Some are good and some made me sick. I was in the best shape of my life when I was about 40, believe it or not. I had more focus, more determination, and I was going out with an arobic instructor that I worked out with. I was down to 7% body fat.

I suggest going to a body building gym and talk to a trainer. They usually have the knowledge of what supplements you will need for what you want to do. Both my sons took stuff that a trainer suggested, when they were playing football, with great results.

Consistency, and diet help a lot. Keep a record of your progress. You will have building times and times of no progess. The most important thing to remember is to stay healthy.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 02:19 PM   #12
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The method I use to add mass goes like this: Do a set of 10-12 with enough weight so reps get hard around 8. Do this twice, then add 20-30% to the weight and go to failure. Do this for one muscle area per day (abs and back Monday, chest/shoulders Tuesday, etc.) alternating so you aren't working the same group twice in a row. Eat lots of protein and drink tons of water.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 03:49 PM   #13
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One other thought - a lot of comments about protein. Yes you need protein to repair muscle damage and build muscles BUT your body also needs carbohydrates. Don't skimp on them but do eat complex quality carbs. Pass up the doughnut for an extra helping of rice or beans, etc. And yes plenty of water. Good rule of thumb - if you aren't peeing you aren't drinking enough. If it's clear, your drinking too much.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 04:48 PM   #14
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Pastas, rice, mmmmm plenty of carbs there. As for working out (doing weights) you shouldn't do 2 big muscles per day (from what I've heard), for example you should do chest and triceps. Make sure you warm up properly (get the blood running, stretches etc), and warm down.

For me personally, I find doing sets of 3 with reps of 6-10 (depending on muscle) with a weight that I'll struggle to get in the last few reps and therefore have to push myself. I also alternate my routine fortnightly by doing different muscles different days and sometimes even changing the exercise itself. Also try and find a partner, working out with someone is great, you both feed of each other and keep each other motivated.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 05:15 PM   #15
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i've worked out my whole life and have a degree is exercise science as well. essentially, for you to put on lean mass your calorie intake needs to be greater than your calorie burn. also, to ensure those calories are being used to build muscle - THEY NEED TO COME FROM PROTEIN. the typical american diet does not provide nearly enough protein (everything we eat is carbs and fat). i have done all sorts of different routines, started doing p90x 18 months ago and it is bad ass. my advice to you is as follows: weights before cardio - always. also, you can skip cardio only workouts as your goal is gain weight, not lose it. that being said, you're looking for lean muscle. you should be doing 8-10 reps with little to no rest between exercises - this will keep your heartrate up, giving you the cardio component that you need as well. also, you'll be spending about 45 minutes in the gym as opposed to 2 hours. finally, you should be eating about 6 times a day. sounds like alot, but it's easier than you think - just takes some planning. protein shake in the morning with cereal or fruit (or both), protein focused snack before lunch (or another shake), lunch, protein focused snack before dinner, dinner, shake before bed. also, make sure you get a shake in you no later than 30 minutes post workout. i also suggest you track your food so you can see exactly what your diet actually consists of - a good free site is here are the workout routines - let me know if you have any questions. lastly, shakes can expensive, an easy way to get good protein is hard boiled eggs.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 07:11 PM   #16
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how is the P90x routine? i thought about trying it out, would you recommend it for someone who's been on a break for two years (pregnant and my c-section recovery was not cool) or someone who's already in shape?

you should also consider alternative protein sources. my favorite high protein meat: bison. it's the real deal. bison cannot metabolize all the hormones that US domesticated cows must endure. also high in protein is deer/venison, if you have access to it, then hoard it.

there are a few 'apps' that you could download on an mp3 player and use as a reference at the gym for form, some of them even outline an entire workout for whatever suits your needs.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 09:25 PM   #17
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i am by no means an expert and i used to work out all the time my first 2 years in college. But i was going for weight loss not weight gain so i am not to informed on actually gaining weight by lifting. (i can tell you how to gain bad weight , ask me how i know)

But i have heard of a book that is not to much on the pocket book and tons of people swear by it. Its called "New Rules of Lifting". They have all types of workouts for whatever your looking for. Weight loss, weight gain, getting ripped, etc.

I feel that protien is needed like pretty much everyone has stated, but i am not sure about the general rule, 1g of protein per 1lb of body weight. i was told this too but for losing weight, believe me, eating 225g of protein isn't gonna help you lose weight. Yeah it will help you gain muscle mass that will in turn use more energy to fuel them, but im also gonna get huge, and thats not what i wanted. but for you that rule will probably apply. I can tell you though that i learned the hard way that a calorie restricted diet and working your ass off at the gym can make you feel worse and not show results. I was heavily restricting my dieat and working out 5 days a week. I never lost a pound, but my clothes did fit better. Anyways, you go into canabolic mode instead of metabolic mode. Canabolic mode basically happens when you body is starved of energy(calories) and starts to get its energy from eating away at your muscles. This is no bueno.

Listen to you body like Apex said earlier. No plan is gonna work for everyone because we are all different. I would suggest something like this. but modify it to what works for you.

Chest/back on mon (supersets)
Legs/arms on wed (supersets)
body weight lifts on fri (i.e squat jumps, pull up, pushups, wall sits, etc.)
Once your body gets used to this you can switch up the days, reps, weights,etc.
Sets should be with higher weight and less reps (6-10 reps)

the days between go for cardio
Tues-2-5(whatever is confortable for you) mile jog

Remember to warm up and stretch and use caution when lifting.
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Old February 12th, 2010, 10:58 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by petiteninja View Post
you should also consider alternative protein sources. my favorite high protein meat: bison. it's the real deal. bison cannot metabolize all the hormones that US domesticated cows must endure. also high in protein is deer/venison, if you have access to it, then hoard it.
Bison is awesome. Any free-range, grass fed beef is superior to anything you'll pick up at the local grocery store, as it has a better fat profile. It costs a hell of a lot more too haha.
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Old February 13th, 2010, 06:29 AM   #19
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Get married! That will put some weight on you.
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Old February 13th, 2010, 07:58 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by petiteninja View Post
how is the P90x routine? i thought about trying it out, would you recommend it for someone who's been on a break for two years (pregnant and my c-section recovery was not cool) or someone who's already in shape?

you should also consider alternative protein sources. my favorite high protein meat: bison. it's the real deal. bison cannot metabolize all the hormones that US domesticated cows must endure. also high in protein is deer/venison, if you have access to it, then hoard it.

there are a few 'apps' that you could download on an mp3 player and use as a reference at the gym for form, some of them even outline an entire workout for whatever suits your needs.
it is awesome! it's the workout i'll probably do for the rest of my life. it is intense, however you can work your way into it. you need to be physically capable of working out, but don't need to be in good shape to begin. do not hesitate, i debated purchasing it for a long time. once i got it i was kicking myself for not pulling the trigger two years earlier.
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Old February 14th, 2010, 06:50 PM   #21
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Just my 2cents. From what ive seen, this is jsut my opinion... When anyone starts working out there will be almost immediate gains but soon you will plateau where making improvements will require more work, sort of a diminishing returns effect. This can be explained by comparing you're physical activity to before and after you started working out, I'm sure beginning going to the gym has been a drastic increase in phsyical activity, therefore you will notice change. As your body adapts to working out, itll be harder to challenge your body because youre body has adjusted to youre routine. You can try new exercises or changing up your normal routine, but just make sure youre continually challenged or else you will see a similiar diminishing returns effect again.

As for the calories, if you really really want to slow down your metabolism because you dont feel increasing your caloric intake will make a difference, try eating bigger meals, but less often, as opposed to eating smaller meals 6 times a day. It's pretty much the opposite of what you should do if you wanted to lose weight. And im sure you know a balanced diet is important regardless of what youre trying to achieve.

Not everyone may agree with me, but these are a few things ive learned/noticed and have incorporated into my opinion when making changes in my diet/workout routine.
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Old February 14th, 2010, 08:07 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by dive1tom View Post
Get married! That will put some weight on you.
This. Also, picking a good protein powder can be confusing as there are so many to choose from. Personally, I've had good results from MRI Pro-NOS and it's also the best-tasting protein I've had(I've tried around 20 in the past). Dutch Chocolate Royale shaken with milk is like cooled "hot chocolate."
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Old February 15th, 2010, 03:21 PM   #23
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ahh wow. that is a overwhelming amount of information . thanks a lot you guys.

so this is what my plan is gonna consist of, please tell me what u guys think and what changes i should make.

Monday-Wednesday-Friday: i'll be doing cardio. running, bicycle, swimming.
Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday: I'll be hitting the weights.

now this is the part where i am not too sure on.
(someone mentioned to me that i shouldnt work tricepts and bicepts at the same time?)

tuesday: lets say i do tricepts, and shoulders, and legs.
thursday: bicepts, chests, and abs.
saturday: my back and some of my tuesday areas.

Now the reason i paired up those body parts is because a lot of the machines work out both, ex; most of the machines that work my tricepts work on my shoulders as well.

Or should i stick to working out tricepts and bicepts on same day.
then back chest on another.
Oh, and how technical is the swimming part. Never really swam for um exercise lol. Do i have to be right on point when it comes to the form to get any benefit.

Now i havent been doing much of the free weights..i mainly stick to the machines? is this a bad thing? or should i use both.
I'm still looking around on the protein items and such, ima stop by at the a gnc store and look around.
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Old February 15th, 2010, 04:30 PM   #24
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honestly, if your primary goal at this point is to build muscle and gain weight - you'll be shooting yourself in the foot with your proposed workout schedule. i believe it was mentioned earlier - ONE GOAL AT A TIME. all that cardio is gonna burn up all the food you're putting in as opposed to having it go towards lean muscle -unless you plan on putting down about 4k calories/day (which is an insane amount of food unless you're going to mcdonald's for every meal).

as far as what muscle groups to work together/separate you need to consider this: when you work your chest, you use your triceps and shoulders as well. when you work your back, you use your biceps. also, i would recc. free weights vs. machines if you understand the exercises and maintain proper form.

try this for 3 wks: moderate weight (10-12 reps)

mon - chest/back
wed - shoulders, biceps, triceps
fri - legs/back

then do this for the next 3 wks: moderate weight (10-12 reps)

mon - chest/shoulders/triceps
wed - back/biceps
fri - legs/back

final 3wks

repeat round 1 - go heavier (8-10 reps)
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Old February 15th, 2010, 04:34 PM   #25
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rest a week between each round, this is when you can run, bike, swim - don't go crazy (3 days a wk, 30-45 minutes, moderate intensity).

following this will give your body time to recover between each round so you don't fall into the cycle of "overtraining", and will allow you to push yourself harder in the following round. also, this prevents the dreaded "plateau" effect.

this is a lot to take in, you should really look at p90x as it spells everything out for you (what exercises to do, on what day, in what order, etc.)

GOOD LUCK, let me know if you have any questions.
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Old February 15th, 2010, 06:14 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by dive1tom View Post
Get married! That will put some weight on you.
worked for me, a little too well
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Old February 15th, 2010, 06:40 PM   #27
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Yea mang, i told you in post #4 don't burn so many calories if you want to gain weight and lift at the same time. Do cardio like once a week or maybe twice if you really need to do it that bad.

Finally, go big or go home.
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Old February 15th, 2010, 08:51 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by want1sobad View Post

try this for 3 wks: moderate weight (10-12 reps)

mon - chest/back
wed - shoulders, biceps, triceps
fri - legs/back

then do this for the next 3 wks: moderate weight (10-12 reps)

mon - chest/shoulders/triceps
wed - back/biceps
fri - legs/back

final 3wks

repeat round 1 - go heavier (8-10 reps)
ah well i though doing some light cardio every other day, instead of 2-3 miles every day would be ok. but u guys are right lol. no cardio for me , i like ur plan a lil better. as far as the p90x goes, do u think it shouldnt be a problem for me to do it, since im kinda new at this still. it looks pretty intense lol.
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Old February 15th, 2010, 09:29 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by hybridxx View Post
ah well i though doing some light cardio every other day, instead of 2-3 miles every day would be ok. but u guys are right lol. no cardio for me , i like ur plan a lil better. as far as the p90x goes, do u think it shouldnt be a problem for me to do it, since im kinda new at this still. it looks pretty intense lol.
You should start with P90x. If anything, you'll learn how to work hard with a program like P90x. It also comes with a prescribed diet plan that should give you the basic "feel" of what a proper diet is supposed to be like.

Like I said in my post, stick to the basics: hard work, good eating, recovery. Everything else is just details. Getting big and strong isn't rocket science. Most people are just afraid to lift actual weights and eat actual food.
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Old February 16th, 2010, 11:02 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by hybridxx View Post
ah well i though doing some light cardio every other day, instead of 2-3 miles every day would be ok. but u guys are right lol. no cardio for me , i like ur plan a lil better. as far as the p90x goes, do u think it shouldnt be a problem for me to do it, since im kinda new at this still. it looks pretty intense lol.
it is awesome! it's the workout i'll probably do for the rest of my life. it is intense, however you can work your way into it. you need to be physically capable of working out, but don't need to be in good shape to begin. do not hesitate, i debated purchasing it for a long time. once i got it i was kicking myself for not pulling the trigger two years earlier.
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