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Old August 9th, 2011, 10:13 AM   #1
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What are we going to do now without this?
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Old August 9th, 2011, 03:22 PM   #2
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"He may be right legally, but he’s not right, in terms of the family," she told Matt Lauer. "Because at the end of the day, when a couple gets divorced you know the fallout for children. And the only way to try to help to be the healthiest for them is to preserve two good parents, even if they don’t want to be together. But it’s your job to help say to some degree, 'Your mom’s an okay person and loves you.' "
This is exactly the bleeding heart crap our society is being bludgeoned to death with. Really, if the mother is neglectful, causing obesity in her children, and who knows what else, is she really an okay person that loves you? No one knows what happened in their marriage, but it seems like they're rushing to condemn the guy and save the girl (typical).
The guy
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Old August 9th, 2011, 03:44 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by CThunder-blue View Post
This is exactly the bleeding heart crap our society is being bludgeoned to death with. Really, if the mother is neglectful, causing obesity in her children, and who knows what else, is she really an okay person that loves you? No one knows what happened in their marriage, but it seems like they're rushing to condemn the guy and save the girl (typical).
I agree with you on this one. I also agree with him and his blog. First off he doesn't use any real names, so in truth it could be anyone. However, SHE is the whistle blower saying "IT'S ME IT'S ME IT'S ME!!!!". Second of all he's right in that they are violating his constitutional rights. But that's ok to do since he's just a citizen and they speak for the government.

I'm also one of those people that is sick and tired of the 'bleeding hearts' society in the US destroying this mighty nation from the inside out. If you took away all of the super high tech toys our soldiers use today and put them up against the soldiers of WWII, they would get their arses handed to them on a silver platter. The discipline and respect of authority in our youth today is at an all time low and it shows everywhere. I for one blame it on this 'bleeding hearts' society crap wanting us to be softer and softer on our youth even in the military. Way to set us up for failure.
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Old August 9th, 2011, 04:40 PM   #4
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Well, I don't usually share this stuff online but I went through something much like this man. In 2003 my wife and I split after she told me she had an affair. I went and filed for div and asked for joint custody, every other wk end deal. My wife did not want to get a div and refused to let me see my kids. My kids were attending a private school and she removed them from that school without my permission and decided to home school. I then asked for sole custody and all hell broke loose. I noticed seeing my kids act very strange after speaking with their mom at night and even caught my then nine yr old daughter going through my briefcase. Because of how weird and strange they would act after talking to their mom I went to the net to see if I could tape conversations and in my supreme court district if I showed cause I could(vicarious consent)When I heard the conversation I broke down. It was horrible what my X was saying to my daughter and having her do. She was telling her to lie about me and steal from me.I took the tape to court and the judge approved that it be played and I won sole custody through a temp emergency order. My X then accused me of beating and molesting my kids. I was investigated 11 times and cleared of every thing even had social services testify for me. I had the police called out to my house 16 times and had them testify. I had my kids in school and doing great but my X took off during summer vacation with the kids and headed to Mich and would not return them. She was arrested and spent 3 month on house arrest. Things were hard on my kids, they went 6 months without seeing their mom. Then a judge granted her supervised visitation which I had to pay for and then eventually non supervised. Then came another court date and a court ordered custody evaluation. By this time my x had pleaded and was on a diversion for running off with my kids. I did the evaluation thinking all would go my way but NO. The psych thought my recording the kids was awful. He would not even listen to the recordings. He chastised us both for fighting and said the kids were very sad without their mom and it was damaging them. My kids were straight A students and involved in every thing when living with me but that did not factor in. I was up against liberal thought and even though they did not say she should get them back they did lean towards her doing that in the future. Then another court date was scheduled to go over this and my X got sick and lost her leg due to diabetes. So I go to court up against my X who the psych said really loved her kids and vice versa and had just lost a leg and then the kids told the judge they wanted to go and live with her and my daughter being 13 off they went. Now I see my kids every wk end and vacations. I got remarried and my X draws a check and lives with her BF who does not work. They are living off me and all us tax payers. I thought about going back to court if I thought my kids would come live with me but I am the strict one and have rules. My X was not officially diagnosed with BPD but she fit the mold("walking on egg shells" a must read for those in my situation) I now basically live in peace. Have a great wife and know one day my brainwashed/Parental Alienated kids will see the truth.

This guy needed to vent and I know several men who have felt alone in the world when dealing with a crazy X and parental alienation.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 07:52 AM   #5
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That really is sad . Sounds like the psychologist should have been evaluated for bias since he didn't listen to your side at all.
The guy
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Old August 10th, 2011, 08:09 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by CThunder-blue View Post
That really is sad . Sounds like the psychologist should have been evaluated for bias since he didn't listen to your side at all.
I could have fought it and kept going to court but as I spoke with my attorney, friends, family and my new wife I knew that my X would fight me in every aspect. I decided that if I kept fighting that things would even get worse for my kids. I had won in a few aspects. My kids were in school and doing well. My X is not allowed to take them out of state. I had regular visitation and it did take the pressure off my kids. Every day I was living on pins and needles wondering what she would do next. I have had joint custody since Nov 2007 and my relationship has gotten better with my kids, its not great but much better. They are not manipulated and we generally have great times together. Their Mom because of her health can't do the things I can with them.

There are still trying times. My X constantly is texting my kids I feel we don't have a lot of US time. Just a few weeks ago I took the kids to see Capt. America and my daughter had to go call her Mom ten minutes before the movie was over. Its all about control.

I had my kids in therapy and my X stopped bringing them. The therapist said that one day all this would come back to haunt my X and that the kids will get to an age where the light bulb will turn on. I make it a practice to never degrade their Mom in any way in front of my kids though I know she has not refrained from doing that.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 08:30 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by sombo View Post
. If you took away all of the super high tech toys our soldiers use today and put them up against the soldiers of WWII, they would get their arses handed to them on a silver platter. The discipline and respect of authority in our youth today is at an all time low and it shows everywhere.
I agreed with some of your points, but the above is just plain stupid. The U.S. today produces the finest infantryman the world has seen, period. Every single guy carrying a rifle today is there as a volunteer. In addition, the average soldier or Marine in an infantry unit today has the highest level of education that any military force has fielded in human history.

Furthermore, the gear and loadout that an infantryman carries today is far more heavier than what his predecessors carried in previous conflicts.

And to top off the argument and highlight the ignorance and ridiculousness of what you posted, Im going to relay this from Lt. Col. Dave Grossman's book, On Killing. In WWII, in a frontline infantry unit, only about 15% of men would actively engage during a fight. Today, in the GWOT actions that number reaches and surpasses 90%. Excerpt from another source:

In World War II and before, only 15 to 20 percent of soldiers fired their weapons at enemy soldiers in view, even if their own lives were endangered. Lt. Col. (Ret.) Grossman, a military historian, psychologist and teacher at West Point, builds upon the findings of Gen. S. L. A. Marshall in Men Against Fire (1978) and confirmatory evidence from Napoleonic, Civil and other wars.

So in summary, you're full of ****. Today, we produce the smartest, strongest, best trained, and most agressive infantryman not only in our histroy but that of mankind. Taking an avg. infantry battalion from WWII and pitting them against an equally equipped infantry battallion from GWOT would result in the old timers being annihilated.
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Old August 10th, 2011, 08:44 AM   #8
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You know, you can disagree with someone without belittling them
The guy
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Old August 11th, 2011, 03:08 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by CThunder-blue View Post
You know, you can disagree with someone without belittling them
You're absolutely right. And if the discussion was "chocolate ice cream is better than strawberry ice cream" it would be one thing. But if you read what the guy wrote, in less than one paragraph he dismissed ONE WHOLE GENERATION of U.S. military members as being nothing without their 'toys' and inferior to those of generations past. There arent a whole lot more insulting things I can think of saying than what this guy said. Its hard to craft a respectful response to something like that.
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Old August 11th, 2011, 04:28 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Too40gawlf View Post
I agreed with some of your points, but the above is just plain stupid. The U.S. today produces the finest infantryman the world has seen, period. Every single guy carrying a rifle today is there as a volunteer. In addition, the average soldier or Marine in an infantry unit today has the highest level of education that any military force has fielded in human history.

Furthermore, the gear and loadout that an infantryman carries today is far more heavier than what his predecessors carried in previous conflicts.

And to top off the argument and highlight the ignorance and ridiculousness of what you posted, Im going to relay this from Lt. Col. Dave Grossman's book, On Killing. In WWII, in a frontline infantry unit, only about 15% of men would actively engage during a fight. Today, in the GWOT actions that number reaches and surpasses 90%. Excerpt from another source:

In World War II and before, only 15 to 20 percent of soldiers fired their weapons at enemy soldiers in view, even if their own lives were endangered. Lt. Col. (Ret.) Grossman, a military historian, psychologist and teacher at West Point, builds upon the findings of Gen. S. L. A. Marshall in Men Against Fire (1978) and confirmatory evidence from Napoleonic, Civil and other wars.

So in summary, you're full of ****. Today, we produce the smartest, strongest, best trained, and most agressive infantryman not only in our histroy but that of mankind. Taking an avg. infantry battalion from WWII and pitting them against an equally equipped infantry battallion from GWOT would result in the old timers being annihilated.
Wow, I'm guessing you never actually went through the military? Nice attitude and blind ignorance to how the training really is. I spent 4 years in the military and then another 4 years as a civilian working with military. In regards to training the soldier to be a soldier that has gone down severely since WWII. The soldier of today relies too heavily on high tech weapons and detection gear as compared to the soldiers of WWII. Also the load out the current soldier carries is not heavier than what they had back then. Their weapons are lighter, their rations are lighter, the clothes themselves are lighter, and their helmets are lighter. The only thing they carry that adds weight is their armored vests (which many choose to not use all of the plates in order to cut down on weight).

The current discipline and hardness of the modern soldier is also seriously degraded. We can no longer train them hard and prepare them for the stress of combat. In basic these days the soldiers have "stress" cards that if the training becomes too stressful they use that card to go talk to a councilor. The restrictions put on the drills in training is similar to those put on parents these days in that if a soldier gets out of line they are seriously limited in their responses.

Every current battalion in the Army relies on support from various tools the WWII soldiers couldn't even imagine (UAV's, satellite, laser guided fire support, etc). Without these tools the modern day battalion would be much less affective in combat. This trend was once seen in the USAF with pilots relying too much on guided missiles and losing their dogfighting skills. They fixed this with a change in training. The Army has not yet hit that wall and currently rely more on their special forces and Rangers to do the same jobs that the regular infantry used to handle. The regular infantry these days is mostly used as security forces for these reasons.

Before you start belittling someone and calling them names or their ideas BS, you should learn a little of the truth. You may feel I'm wrong, and that's fine, it's one opinion vs another. But that does not give you the right be a douchebag.
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Old August 11th, 2011, 04:55 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by sombo View Post
Wow, I'm guessing you never actually went through the military? Nice attitude and blind ignorance to how the training really is. I spent 4 years in the military and then another 4 years as a civilian working with military. In regards to training the soldier to be a soldier that has gone down severely since WWII. The soldier of today relies too heavily on high tech weapons and detection gear as compared to the soldiers of WWII. Also the load out the current soldier carries is not heavier than what they had back then. Their weapons are lighter, their rations are lighter, the clothes themselves are lighter, and their helmets are lighter. The only thing they carry that adds weight is their armored vests (which many choose to not use all of the plates in order to cut down on weight).

The current discipline and hardness of the modern soldier is also seriously degraded. We can no longer train them hard and prepare them for the stress of combat. In basic these days the soldiers have "stress" cards that if the training becomes too stressful they use that card to go talk to a councilor. The restrictions put on the drills in training is similar to those put on parents these days in that if a soldier gets out of line they are seriously limited in their responses.

Every current battalion in the Army relies on support from various tools the WWII soldiers couldn't even imagine (UAV's, satellite, laser guided fire support, etc). Without these tools the modern day battalion would be much less affective in combat. This trend was once seen in the USAF with pilots relying too much on guided missiles and losing their dogfighting skills. They fixed this with a change in training. The Army has not yet hit that wall and currently rely more on their special forces and Rangers to do the same jobs that the regular infantry used to handle. The regular infantry these days is mostly used as security forces for these reasons.

Before you start belittling someone and calling them names or their ideas BS, you should learn a little of the truth. You may feel I'm wrong, and that's fine, it's one opinion vs another. But that does not give you the right be a douchebag.
Lol, If you were in the military you most certainly were not in a combat arms MOS. The crap you're spewing is making my blood pressure go through the top of my head because its so far removed from reality.

Hey numbnuts, read this:

Task Force Devil Combined Arms Assessment Team
U.S. Army Center for Lessons Learned
The Modern Warrior's Combat Load
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Old August 11th, 2011, 05:53 AM   #12
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On second thought...

**** you. I can telll from what you wrote that you werent a Marine.
You dont have enough pride in your service to identify which it was. I also further infer that you werent an infantry solider because you have no clue of what a combat infantryman carries.

So that leaves either a support unit in the Army, USN, or Air Force. You sound too stupid to be USN. So that leaves eithe Army or Air Force. Im guessing you were some kind of admin pig in the Army or some kind of supply billet in the USAF. Am I right?

I'll be damned if some ignorant, retard of a pogue tells me about ****ing training in the military.

And yeah ****stick, I have carried a rifle and humped a pack.
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Old August 11th, 2011, 06:11 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Too40gawlf View Post
Lol, If you were in the military you most certainly were not in a combat arms MOS. The crap you're spewing is making my blood pressure go through the top of my head because its so far removed from reality.

Hey numbnuts, read this:

Task Force Devil Combined Arms Assessment Team
U.S. Army Center for Lessons Learned
The Modern Warrior's Combat Load

If you are supposed to be an example of the modern soldier then I'm glad I am no longer in the military. I would not want someone so hot-headed, disrespectful, and immature at my side. You link this as if it's proof you are right on anything. Yes, the soldier at any time period is overloaded, I never said they weren't. But they do have less weight, better gear, and rely heavily on high tech weaponry to do their job. I've had full combat gear for today on, and tried on combat gear from the past. It was MUCH worse with the old gear because it was in fact heavier and not as evenly distributed.

If you take regular infantry of today and put them up against infantry back then with nothing but light arms and combat training, I see the old infantry winning. If you put the old infantry up against today's Rangers with just light arms and combat training, then it would be a completely different story. Today's infantry training includes the new high tech equipment to be used in order to keep more soldiers out of harms way. They use more long range weapons with laser, heat signature, and camera guidance in order to take the enemy before they get too close.

Now go take your blood pressure pills and dunk your head in some cold water to calm down before you post again. There is no need for you hot-headed attitude and lack of respect.
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Old August 11th, 2011, 06:33 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Too40gawlf View Post
On second thought...

**** you. I can telll from what you wrote that you werent a Marine.
You dont have enough pride in your service to identify which it was. I also further infer that you werent an infantry solider because you have no clue of what a combat infantryman carries.

So that leaves either a support unit in the Army, USN, or Air Force. You sound too stupid to be USN. So that leaves eithe Army or Air Force. Im guessing you were some kind of admin pig in the Army or some kind of supply billet in the USAF. Am I right?

I'll be damned if some ignorant, retard of a pogue tells me about ****ing training in the military.

And yeah ****stick, I have carried a rifle and humped a pack.
Ah, so you were a marine, that would explain your attitude then. It would also explain your lack of respect for anyone not a marine. Can't tell you how many times we had marines on our bases get written up by their own commanders for showing lack of respect to officers and NCO's of other branches.

I don't know when you were in, but you need to back to the island and see how they are trained these days. I have marine friends that have been back there recently and were absolutely disgusted with the level of discipline in the training there these days. Even they are saddened to see how much the marine training has weakened over the past 10-15 years. I have personally watched as the Army training has weakened significantly over the past 10+ years and think we are creating weaker soldiers these days.

Today there are more AWOL soldiers, more crime, more disorder in the Army than ever before. I keep up with things going on in the Army and see more and more reports of court martials and disciplinary reviews every month.

You also show the attitude for which I'm glad I was never in marines. Too much ego in thinking your all that. What I say is not a lack of respect for combat arms, but an opinion of how our modern training has weakened too much and takes away from the heritage of the soldier in general. Everyday they come up with new technology to replace many of the functions the soldier used to do with the goal being to replace the soldier all together with unmanned vehicles in the future.

Now stop acting like an immature punk and making the marines look bad with your attitude. In fact with that last post I wouldn't be surprised if you were put on time out for your language, name calling, and show of disrespect.
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Old August 11th, 2011, 07:04 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Too40gawlf View Post
Hey numbnuts, read this:
Hey numbnuts, YOU read this:
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Old August 11th, 2011, 07:35 AM   #16
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