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Old July 19th, 2016, 09:31 PM   #1
The Violet Vixen
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Name: Yakaru
Location: Issaquah, WA & Las Vegas, NV
Join Date: Jun 2012

Motorcycle(s): Perigee (250), Hotaru (250), Saturn (300), Pearl (300), Zero (S1000RR), Chibi (Z125), Xellos ('18 HP4R)

Posts: A lot.
MOTM - Jun '16
Repairing Saturn

So as you may have read, Saturn blew the main engine bearing at a track day on July 4. Repairs are proceeding apace.

First, to get you in the right frame of mind:

Link to original page on YouTube.

Working with the shop we hunted for a new engine and found something that looked pretty nice (with under 4 miles on it!), but the frame wouldn't accommodate it. So new frame in hand of course the fairings were no go. One thing led to another and it seems almost like I have a totally different bike now.

Ladies, Gentlemen, Squids of all ages! I give you Zero:

(For the curious, we did find an actual Ninja 300 engine and Saturn will be back on the road soon enough as well)

"most folks racing this bike get it in a competitive state of being with much less invested than you've already put in Saturn." - Alex
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